Preprogrammed subject line



Hi all

I have been trying to create a custom form with a simple signature line
filled in. Nothing to major, or so I thought

So I create the form, publish it, then I cannot make it the default for the
new messages, fine, I think from my reading through here, this cannot be done.

is there a simple way to have a default subject line (for example "Attorney
client correspondence"

Any help would be greatly appreciated


Hollis D. Paul

is there a simple way to have a default subject line (for example "Attorney
client correspondence"

Any help would be greatly appreciated
The page at the following URL tells you how to make a published form your
default form:

If your form does not currently have the desired subject line, make a new
instance of it, type in the desired subject line, the click Tools -> Forms ->
Publish As and give it a new name. Now set it up as the default email form.

Hollis D. Paul [MVP - Outlook]
(e-mail address removed)
Mukilteo, WA USA


Hi Hollis

This actually doesn't work for the INBOX or else I am doing something wrong.


Hollis D. Paul said:
is there a simple way to have a default subject line (for example "Attorney
client correspondence"

Any help would be greatly appreciated
The page at the following URL tells you how to make a published form your
default form:

If your form does not currently have the desired subject line, make a new
instance of it, type in the desired subject line, the click Tools -> Forms ->
Publish As and give it a new name. Now set it up as the default email form.

Hollis D. Paul [MVP - Outlook]
(e-mail address removed)
Mukilteo, WA USA

Hollis D. Paul

This actually doesn't work for the INBOX or else I am doing something wrong.
What doesn't work? The information on how to change the default form or typing
the subject and then publishing the form? And how does it fail?

Hollis D. Paul [MVP - Outlook]
(e-mail address removed)
Mukilteo, WA USA


Hi Hollis

Sorry for the vaguness of my previous response.

I have made the form, no problems, it works as a template and if I go
File/Open Form

I added the code that I found on the microsoft's webpage but I am still
unable to make my form the default for the INBOX.

I get the error that you cannot choose that type of form for this folder
type error.

Thanks in advance

Hollis D. Paul said:
This actually doesn't work for the INBOX or else I am doing something wrong.
What doesn't work? The information on how to change the default form or typing
the subject and then publishing the form? And how does it fail?

Hollis D. Paul [MVP - Outlook]
(e-mail address removed)
Mukilteo, WA USA

Hollis D. Paul

I added the code that I found on the microsoft's webpage but I am still
unable to make my form the default for the INBOX.

I get the error that you cannot choose that type of form for this folder
type error.
So, what type of form did you build your custom form from? That is, what is
the full string in the Message Class field?

Hollis D. Paul [MVP - Outlook]
(e-mail address removed)
Mukilteo, WA USA



So here is the form type IPM.Note.Legal

when I do this:
In Message folders, if you want a custom post form to appear when you
double-click inside the folder or click the New button while you're in that
folder, you must restrict the forms used in the folder. Go to the Forms page
on the folder's Properties, and choose Only forms listed above.

The options are not available for me to use only this form, they are greyed

This is for the inbox of my main pst. I am using office xp with all service
packs applied.


Hollis D. Paul said:
I added the code that I found on the microsoft's webpage but I am still
unable to make my form the default for the INBOX.

I get the error that you cannot choose that type of form for this folder
type error.
So, what type of form did you build your custom form from? That is, what is
the full string in the Message Class field?

Hollis D. Paul [MVP - Outlook]
(e-mail address removed)
Mukilteo, WA USA

Hollis D. Paul

So here is the form type IPM.Note.Legal

when I do this:
In Message folders, if you want a custom post form to appear when you
double-click inside the folder or click the New button while you're in that
folder, you must restrict the forms used in the folder. Go to the Forms page
on the folder's Properties, and choose Only forms listed above.

The options are not available for me to use only this form, they are greyed

This is for the inbox of my main pst. I am using office xp with all service
packs applied.
Where did you publish this form? After you added the code, you clicked Tools
-> Forms -> Publish As -> selected the folder in which to publish it, gave it
the name of IPM.Note.Legal, and clicked publish. What was the folder you had

Hollis D. Paul [MVP - Outlook]
(e-mail address removed)
Mukilteo, WA USA


I have saved the form both in the Personal Forms and in the Inbox itself,
neither is accomplishing what I need.

Hollis D. Paul said:
So here is the form type IPM.Note.Legal

when I do this:
In Message folders, if you want a custom post form to appear when you
double-click inside the folder or click the New button while you're in that
folder, you must restrict the forms used in the folder. Go to the Forms page
on the folder's Properties, and choose Only forms listed above.

The options are not available for me to use only this form, they are greyed

This is for the inbox of my main pst. I am using office xp with all service
packs applied.
Where did you publish this form? After you added the code, you clicked Tools
-> Forms -> Publish As -> selected the folder in which to publish it, gave it
the name of IPM.Note.Legal, and clicked publish. What was the folder you had

Hollis D. Paul [MVP - Outlook]
(e-mail address removed)
Mukilteo, WA USA

Hollis D. Paul

I have saved the form both in the Personal Forms and in the Inbox itself,
neither is accomplishing what I need.
Please answer the question: Did you PUBLISH the form using Tools
-> Forms -> Publish As? Yes or No.

Hollis D. Paul [MVP - Outlook]
(e-mail address removed)
Mukilteo, WA USA


Yes, I did

Publish form as

this is the code that I used

Function Item_Open()

Dim InboxItems
Dim NewItem

' Reference the items in the folder.
Set colItems = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder.Items

' Add a new item to the folder, in this case based on the
' published mail message Form.
Set oNewItem = ColItems.Add("IPM.Note.Legal")

' Display the item just created.

' Cancel the open event so the post form is not displayed.
Item_Open = False

' Clean up
Set colItems = Nothing
Set oNewItem = Nothing

End Function

Hollis D. Paul said:
I have saved the form both in the Personal Forms and in the Inbox itself,
neither is accomplishing what I need.
Please answer the question: Did you PUBLISH the form using Tools
-> Forms -> Publish As? Yes or No.

Hollis D. Paul [MVP - Outlook]
(e-mail address removed)
Mukilteo, WA USA

Hollis D. Paul

Please answer the question: Did you PUBLISH the form using Tools
-> Forms -> Publish As? Yes or No.

Yes, I did

Publish form as

Now, where did you publish the form?

(You can see, can't you, that I am really trying to pin down what you
actually did? Could we have the full story all at once? Please?

this is the code that I used
Function Item_Open()
Dim InboxItems
Dim NewItem
' Reference the items in the folder.
Set colItems = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder.Items
' Add a new item to the folder, in this case based on the
' published mail message Form.
Set oNewItem = ColItems.Add("IPM.Note.Legal")
' Display the item just created.
' Cancel the open event so the post form is not displayed.
Item_Open = False
' Clean up
Set colItems = Nothing
Set oNewItem = Nothing
End Function
As you obviously discovered, this code gives you two items, at least,
on your terminal. Actually, I don't know why you didn't get an
infinite number of items. You should generate items till you run out
of memory resources and get an error message.

I would advise removing that code from your custom item and
republishing. This time, when you Publish As use the name

Check the number of items that exist in that folder and see if it is an
unusually large count.

What happens when you go File -> New -> Choose Form and then select the
published name from the place you published it to?

Hollis D. Paul [MVP - Outlook]
(e-mail address removed)
Mukilteo, WA USA

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