Presentation no longer plays media files. Please help!!!



Hi. I made up a huge powerpoint presentation for my mom and dad's
40th wedding anniverssary coming up in 2 months. I started making it
in March of 2002 and have put a lot of hours into it since that time.
I finally got it working the way I wanted it to. It incorporates
video files, music, etc etc about my mom and dad's lives. It is about
13 minutes long.

I recently tried running the presentation and to my chagrin found that
it won't play any of the sound files or video files anymore! I even
tried making a new slide within the presentation and it won't play any
files anymore. The sound files will play on other mediaplayers like
winamp and windows media player so it is the nothing to do with the
files themselves.

I recently installed the 'windows update' for Windows XP so I am
assuming it has to do with that installation, since I never ran the
presentation since installing that. Any ideas on how to fix this
problem??? Please help as I am so scared that all of the time I put
into this presentation has been wasted!


Austin Myers


What sort of music and sound files are they? As in, what are their origins?

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

TAJ Simmons

Please help as I am so scared that all of the time I put into this
presentation has been wasted!
So long as you have all your source material...e.g. scanned images, video
files, sound can always be re-assembled.

Chances are you have installed something (it could be the windows update, or
maybe not) that has messed around with certain settings.

It could be as simple as "you've moved your files from one directory to
This page will give you a hint as possible things that could be the

It could that it's become too huge for your particular PC to manage.

TAJ Simmons
microsoft powerpoint mvp

awesome - powerpoint backgrounds,
free sample templates, tutorials, hints and tips etc

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