Presentation timing feedback


James Macnicol

I am preparing a presentation where I have a fixed amount
of time to get through my material. I had expected to be
able to do the following with PowerPoint: have it measure
the amount of time since the start of a slideshow, compare
that to some preset timings for each slide and then give
me some sort of feedback as to whether I need to speed up
or slow down relative to what I have planned in order to
fully use the allocated time and not run over time. I
have searched newgroups and asked someone here and have
found nothing. It seems very strange to me that this
isn't something a lot of people would want to do. Having
to do this yourself with a watch and a fair amount of
mental arithmetic is, of course, possible but really this
is a job for the computer (and would save plenty of stress
and worry). BTW, I realize that you can set timings so
slides will automatically progress; I don't want that, I
want to move them on manually and then get feedback as to
whether I'm running ahead or behind.

I'm thinking perhaps there is some little bit of VB code
or something you could embed in the presentation to do
this perhaps?



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