Preserve format, right tab using concatenate



I have the following information:

Col A Col B Col C
Smith Bill (510) 424-5654
Johnson Susan (610) 566-5555
Abrahmson Joycelin (212) 555-5555

I want to create Col D as follows:

Smith, Bill (510) 424-5654
Johnson, Susan (610) 566-5555
Abrahmson, Joycelin (212) 555-5555

Plus I need the last names to be in Bold font, and everything is in a
proportional font like Times Roman (I can brute force line up the phone
numbers if I use a font like Courier).

How do I do this, preferably using just formulae, and not visual basic?



IMHO, you making your own life difficult if you need a proportional width
font. Whilst not impossible, results will not be consistent; after all Excel
is not a word processor. Use 2 columns or a fixed width font instead.
As for the bold name, check the help for the Characters Method.


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