Preserving field formatting


Keith Smothers

I've got a Word 2002 document in which I'm trying use
fields to insert employee names anywhere in the document,
grabbing those names from a table in the same document. In
this document, the same employee name is used in a number
of different locations and I want to be able to just
update the table of names and have the document
automatically update the names elsewhere in the document.

I've been able to make the update work with one exception.
When the update is complete, the employee name comes
across in the formatting of the table which is different
than the formatting in the rest of the document. This is
driving me nuts! I know the easy fix is to make all the
fonts the same - unfortunately, I'm just editing and so
the formatting has to stay as is.

Please tell me how to keep the inserted information in the
same format as the text around it rather than the format
of the original data.

Here's what I've done. The main list of employees is in a
table and I've gone through the list and for each
individual name inserted a 'Fill-in' field, bookmarking
the fields Name1, Name2, etc., and then entering each
employee's name.

At the other locations in the document where an employee's
name needs to be referenced, I have created a 'Ref' field
and then pointed Field Properties at the appropriate book
mark name.

I have toggled of and on the 'Preserve formatting during
updates' switch on both the Fill-in and Ref fields. None
of the combinations displayed the referenced data in the
format desired - which is the format that the target field
is in, rather than the format the original data is in.

I also tried the \*mergeformat switch and got the same

I'm not sure that I was using the above tools correctly,
so feel free to educate me on the obvious if necessary.


Charles Kenyon

Display your field codes. At the end of your REF fields include
\* CharFormat
This replaces \* MergeFormat if you find it there. This gives your field
result the same formatting as the first non-blank character in your field.
Then press Alt-F9 again to hide the field codes and update your fields.

I have never found a use for \* MergeFormat which Word likes to insert to
"preserve formatting" but I trust that someone has a use for it.

Charles Kenyon

See the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
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