John John
Version of Word: Microsoft Word 2003
Version of Outlook: Microsoft Outlook 2003
Problem: Three types of hyperlinks get placed in a word document: hyperlinks
to websites, hyperlinks to email addresses, and hyperlinks to other files
located on a company network shared drive. The word document then gets
mailed to the other employees in the company. The other workers open the
email, open the word document. The hyperlinks to the websites and the email
addresses still work, but the hyperlinks to the other files located on the
shared drive do not. Why is this and what can be done about it? Any help
would be appreciated.
Version of Outlook: Microsoft Outlook 2003
Problem: Three types of hyperlinks get placed in a word document: hyperlinks
to websites, hyperlinks to email addresses, and hyperlinks to other files
located on a company network shared drive. The word document then gets
mailed to the other employees in the company. The other workers open the
email, open the word document. The hyperlinks to the websites and the email
addresses still work, but the hyperlinks to the other files located on the
shared drive do not. Why is this and what can be done about it? Any help
would be appreciated.