Preserving "trailing" zeros from csv file



When opeing a csv file in Excel, Excel drops any zero-value decimal points.
E.g. 12500.00 becomes 12500

When I open the file in Word, the zero-value decimal points are there.

I can't find where I can change Excel's settings to prevent this from

Any ideas?


After opening, you can just format the columns with numbers and dates if you
want. You'll lose that formatting, though, if you save the file as a CSV

David Biddulph

Import the file as text.
Data/ Import External Data (or rename the .csv as .txt and open), and
specify the columns as Text.


Thanks. When I save the file as .csv, close the file, and reopen it, Excel
still drops the trailing zeros. I'm hoping there is some setting or default
that I can change to prevent Excel from doing this.

Fred Smith

The only way to preserve zeros after the decimal point is to convert the
number to text before saving the CSV.


David Biddulph

My message told you how to reopen it in Excel without losing the trailing
zeros. [If you open the csv with Notepad you'll see that the trailing zeros
aren't lost in the saving operation, so they are still there in the text in
the csv file.]
No, there isn't a setting you can change. If you save as txt rather than
csv, then you'll always get the opportunity to set the options for each
column rather than Excel making its own decisions.

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