Press enter moves active cell



I'm using a iMAC with Excel X for MAC Serevice Release 1. When I
press "enter" the active cell drops down one row. How can I get the
active cell to remain the same?


Several options available to you:

1- Use the green check on the Formula Bar to confirm entry

2- Press Control or Command while hitting enter

3- Press Control while hitting return

4- More permanently, go to Excel> Preferences> Edit & clear the check for
Move Selection After RETURN. Note: This affects the behavior of *both* enter
as well as return. You can still use Command+return to move down.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

JE McGimpsey

I'm using a iMAC with Excel X for MAC Serevice Release 1. When I
press "enter" the active cell drops down one row. How can I get the
active cell to remain the same?

If you want the Return key to move normally, but the Enter key to keep
the active cell selected, put this in your Personal Macro Workbook's
ThisWorkbook code module:

    Private Sub Workbook_Open()
        Application.OnKey "{Enter}", ""
    End Sub

If you're unfamiliar with macros:

1) Check to see if you have a Personal Macro Workbook (PMW) created:
Choose Window/Unhide and select the PMW. If the Unhide command is
disabled, you'll have to create the PMW. The easiest way is to Choose
Tools/Macro/Record new macro. Select Personal Macro Workbook from the
"Store macro in" dropdown. Click OK. Enter a value in a cell, then click
the stop button in the Macro toolbar. Now unhide the PMW.

2) CTRL-click the titlebar of the PMW and choose View Code from the
popup menu.

3) Delete the blank Workbook_Open() macro and paste in the above macro
(or just paste the one line from the above macro between the Sub and End
Sub lines).

4) Type Opt-F11 (or click the XL icon in the toolbar) to return to XL.

5) Hide the PMW (Windows/Hide)

6) Close XL, saving the PMW. Reopen XL. Your Enter key will now not move
the active cell.

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