Pressing F1 key in Word 2003 causes Office Installer to Activate


Peter H

Product: Microsoft Office Professional - Word 2003 (11.5604.6360)
O/S: Windows XP sp2

I have a computer that I have installed Office 2003 on as administrator.
When I logon as the user and open Word and press the
F1 key the Office 2003 Professional installer loads and tries to reinstall

I have logon as administrator again and renamed the mscoree.dll but when I
logon as the user the same problem appears.

I have tried removing Office and reinstalling it and have tried the Repair
option but the Word F1 key causes the Office 2003 Professional installer to
load and it tries to reinstall Office.

Can you please help me.


Klaus Linke

Hi Peter,

Since you haven't got an answer yet:
If you use Strg + Alt + Num+ (where Num+ is the "+" key on the numeric
keypad), the cursor turns into a cloverleaf (command character). Now type
F1, and a dialog will show you what command is assigned to F1.
It should be "Help".
If it isn't, you might be able to fix that in Tools > Customize > Keyboard.

Reinstalling Office doesn't touch, where the keyboard assignment
was stored.
If isn't customized yet, you might rename it. Word will create a
new one.


Peter H

Thanks for the reply but what is "strg" stand for in your sentence...

If you use Strg + Alt + Num+ (where Num+ is the "+" key on the numeric
keypad), the cursor turns into a cloverleaf (command character).

Hope to hear back from you soon...

Jay Freedman

Thanks for the reply but what is "strg" stand for in your sentence...

If you use Strg + Alt + Num+ (where Num+ is the "+" key on the numeric
keypad), the cursor turns into a cloverleaf (command character).

Hope to hear back from you soon...

Hi Peter,

Use Ctrl + Alt + Num+ (Klaus gave you the label from his German

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