Pretty spreadsheet



OS 9.2.2 XL 2001

I¹m trying to throw a little design into my spreadsheet. I¹d like to have
all of my column headings centered (which I do, no problem) and the values
beneath centered but aligned on the decimal. What have I overlooked? TIA

Bernard Rey

crackerbox wrote :
I¹m trying to throw a little design into my spreadsheet. I¹d like to have
all of my column headings centered (which I do, no problem) and the values
beneath centered but aligned on the decimal. What have I overlooked? TIA

I don't think this is possible. But you can align your numbers at a certain
distance of the right border, which may be enough. To do this, you'll have
to create a custom Format for the concerned cells.

Select the cells. Pick the "Cells..." item from the Format menu. In the
"Number" tab, click on the "Custom" category. There, if you type something
like "# ##0,00____;-# ##0,00____;#,00____;@____" (without the quotes) the
result should help you having a "Pretty Spreadsheet".

Note that the "_" signs must be in series of two in order to add a space on
the right.


Merci Bernard. Vos instructions ont fonctionné parfaitement. Mon diagramme
est maintenant aussi joli qu'il peut être. (Thank you Bernard. Your
instructions functioned perfectly. My diagram is now as pretty as it can


I forgot to mention (so busy was I with my new language translator utility)
that I did not put anything in quotes but instead just typed in 2 empty
spaces after my number>custom choice which was #,##00. Worked fine. Thanks

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