Prevent Autocorrect of a Specific Instance



I routinely type the name of a specific company that's all capitals with an
initial small letter (like aCOMPANY). Every time, it converts it to all
capitals (ACOMPANY).

I want to keep autocorrect on, but I want to add this as an exception. I
tried adding it to the "other exceptions" list, but when I type aCOMPANY, it
converts it to "acompany" in the list, which is completely useless for me.

Is there any way for me to add this as an exception? Or am I stuck with
undoing every single time I type this word (dozens of times per day)?

I am using Word 2000.


Beth Melton

Does this only occur when you are typing the word on the first line? I think
what you are encountering is the "Capitalize first letter of sentences"
option. If I type aCOMPANY in a sentence then it isn't changed. Perhaps
there's an AutoCorrect entry for aCOMPANY and is changing to ACOMPANY?

You could also try adding ACOMPANY as an AutoCorrect entry and replacing it
with aCOMPANY. This works in Word 2007 but I'm not sure if it works for Word
2000. IIRC, in Word 2000 these types of entries were a little flakey. I do
know that occasionally if you immediately undo the correction it will
"stick" for the rest of the document so if nothing else works you might want
to try that.

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email cannot be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Coauthor of Word 2007 Inside Out:

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