Prevent Cursor from Changing from default




I have a workbook that needs people's signatures. I can get the
signatures okay and I have it set up so that when a person clicks on a
circle, their signature will appear in the appropriate place. However,
I would like to insure that no one can use someone else's signature so
I would like to hide the circle in a different place on the screen for
each signature. Then I would tell each person only where their circle
is located.

The slight problem that I have is that when any person is moving the
cursor around the spreadsheet if they come to the circle (even though
it is hidden - using white color), the cursor changes form from an
arrow to a hand (link select). Is there a way to prevent a cursor from
changing form while on a spreadsheet?


Charles D Clayton Jr

Vic Eldridge

Hi Charles,

You can set the cursor to display only the arrow with the following,
Application.Cursor = xlNorthwestArrow

To set it back to normal behaviour use the following,
Application.Cursor = xlDefault

it is hidden - using white color

If you used the .Visible property to hide the circles, you wouldn't have to
change their color, and the xlDefault cursor icon would no longer "give away"
their location. It is worth trying to keep the cursor property set to
xlDefault, as it's context sensitive nature is quite useful.

Vic Eldridge


Thanks for the replies and sorry in being so long in my response but
how do you hide the circle. It is called oval1


Charles D Clayton Jr


Vic -

Sorry to jump in - is this a macro you're talking about? I'm really curious
about this process, and I appreciate that you know how to address it!

I have very little success with writing macros (and think it's needlessly
complicated), so I am most interested in how to solve this problem.


Vic Eldridge

how do you hide the circle. It is called oval1

ActiveSheet.Shapes("oval1").Visible = False

The next thing you'll probably need to know is how to deal with multiple
shapes. The following should give you some ideas.

Sub AllShapes()
Dim shp As Shape
For Each shp In ActiveSheet.Shapes
MsgBox shp.Name
Next shp
End Sub

Vic Eldridge

Vic Eldridge

is this a macro you're talking about?
think it's needlessly complicated
Excel's object model is one of the most complicated in existence. That's the
price we pay for such a powerful and flexible computing environment.
I am most interested in how to solve this problem.
To what problem are you referring ?

Vic Eldridge

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