Steve Roberts
I created a table that contains an EmployeeID PCAssetNumber and DisplayAsset
Number. I have the constrains for PCAssetNumber and DisplayAssetNumber Set
to No duplicates but each allows nulls. At the request of the data-entry
person I created a datagrid form. The problem happend once there is a null
entry in either of the no diplicate fields. Once the is a null and I go to
add the next row it gives me a warning that there is a duplicate(because I
haven't entered a value in the Asset fields yet. Is there a way to have it
both ways? No duplicate values but ignore nulls?
Number. I have the constrains for PCAssetNumber and DisplayAssetNumber Set
to No duplicates but each allows nulls. At the request of the data-entry
person I created a datagrid form. The problem happend once there is a null
entry in either of the no diplicate fields. Once the is a null and I go to
add the next row it gives me a warning that there is a duplicate(because I
haven't entered a value in the Asset fields yet. Is there a way to have it
both ways? No duplicate values but ignore nulls?