Prevent images movements



Hello there

I’m writing some large documents with text and graphics. Why when i
insert a picture, place some text boxes over the picture with text
inside them and when I make a page break the whole mass (Text boxes and
picture) moves to the following page. I need a way to do all that and
when I change page the pictures stay in place. I have checked the “lock
anchor” and “allow overlap” but they don’t help a lot

Thanks in advance

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Kostas,

MS Word is a text reflow application rather than
Page Layout. 'Page Breaks' can change based on
choosing a different printer driver in File=>Print.

Graphics are 'anchored' to the marker for a paragraph
or a table cell. If the marker travels to a new page
so will everything anchored to it. While the marker
is on the same page as the graphics you can position
the graphics almost anywhere on that page.

You can drag the anchors to a different paragraph if
you are in Print Layout view and have turned on
the Anchor view in Tools=>Options=>View and have
unlocked the anchor.

You can use the header/footer of a document to anchor
a graphic that isn't tied to your typed text, but managing
those markers can be a bit of work as well.

Hello there

I’m writing some large documents with text and graphics. Why when i
insert a picture, place some text boxes over the picture with text
inside them and when I make a page break the whole mass (Text boxes and
picture) moves to the following page. I need a way to do all that and
when I change page the pictures stay in place. I have checked the “lock
anchor” and “allow overlap” but they don’t help a lot

Thanks in advance >>
I hope this helps you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

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