I have a spreadsheet that a customer uses to provide me with catalog data for
our application. Despite direction, he consistently provides data that
exceeds maximum field lenghts for our database. I have tried conditional
formatting and restricting the data based on max length but he is often
copying the text from Work and just pasting it idirectly nto the Excel cell
(not using the text bar). Neither formatting or restricting work in this
scenario. Any ideas on how to prevent him from being able to paste in
invalid data?
our application. Despite direction, he consistently provides data that
exceeds maximum field lenghts for our database. I have tried conditional
formatting and restricting the data based on max length but he is often
copying the text from Work and just pasting it idirectly nto the Excel cell
(not using the text bar). Neither formatting or restricting work in this
scenario. Any ideas on how to prevent him from being able to paste in
invalid data?