prevent maximize



My custom dialog opens from a toolbar button. The dialog has a twin
(same-sized) dialog that acts like Tab 2, meaning when the user clicks the
tab the other custom dialog opens on top of the other, and back again to Tab
1, so I can't set the PopUp or Modal property to Yes. I want the user to be
able to toggle back and forth.

How can I prevent the these smaller forms opening in max mode when/if the
user has other forms maximized?

Right now I have border set to Dialog, PopUp and Modal set to No, MinMax
Off, Moveable No, AutoResize No.


I solved my problem this way:

Clicking on the *tab* (it's a label, really) on the form runs the
docmd.OpenForm method to open the new form, which has a OnOpen event that
sets the .Visible property of the old form to False. That way I can have the
PopUp property set to Yes for both forms and still have one or the other on
top at my control.

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