I found this in this newsgroup from 2005:
Hi All,
I am trying to set up the horizontal page breaks in a worksheet
automatically, so that they never break across a merged cell.
The merged cells are in column C.
The code I have written is below.
It correctly identifies where the first page break occurs, but it
won't actually change the location of that break.
Upon testing, in my immediate window, with the first (and only)
horizontal break at A85, I get a repeating list as follows:
BreakCell = $A$85
NewBreak = $A$86
MyBreak = $A$85
BreakCell = $A$85
NewBreak = $A$86
MyBreak = $A$85
..... and so on forever looping
The issue therefore appears to be that the code is failing to actually
change the horizontal break location. The location property help
explicitly states that it is read / write, but I am not sure what to
do from here.
Any suggestions are appreicated.
Option Explicit
Sub FixHBreaks()
Dim MyHBreak As HPageBreak
Dim BreakCell As Range
Dim ReRun As Boolean
Dim NewBreak As Range
ReRun = False
For Each MyHBreak In ActiveSheet.HPageBreaks
Set BreakCell = MyHBreak.Location
Debug.Print "BreakCell = " & BreakCell.Address
If BreakCell.Offset(0, 2).MergeArea.Rows.Count > 1 Then
Set NewBreak = MyHBreak.Location.Offset(1, 0)
' This next line appears to be inneffective
MyHBreak.Location = NewBreak
' These next three lines generate the info in the immediate window
Debug.Print "NewBreak = " & NewBreak.Address
Debug.Print "MyBreak = " & MyHBreak.Location.Address
ReRun = True
End If
Loop Until ReRun = False
End Sub
Tom Ogilvy
Sep 25 2005, 7:06 pm
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.excel.programming
From: "Tom Ogilvy" <
[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2005 22:06:06 -0400
Local: Sun, Sep 25 2005 7:06 pm
Subject: Re: Avoiding page breaks across merged cells - Code not
working as expected
You can't set the pagebreak beyond the default/automatic pagebreak.
reason you have a default/automatic pagebreak is because the hardware
limitations on the printer demand a pagebreak at that location. You
insert a pagebreak before it, but anything set after it will not
affect it.