Preventing a Subfolder from being Indexed- HOW??



How can I prevent a Subfolder from Being Indexed by Robots AND by the
FrontPage Search Feature??

Root Web
SubDirectory A
SubDirectory B
SubDirectory PRIVATE -

I want the files within SubDirectory PRIVATE to be able to be called up
using a Print Function, but otherwise- to be hidden until called upon.

Right now, if I recalculate the hyperlinks- then the contents of
"SubDirectory PRIVATE" are included! On every single page within that
subfolder I have NO Follow and NO Index in the metatags- and that doesn't
help a bit, they still show up in the search engines and in the FrontPage

Any Ideas? Thanks


Pages that are already indexed in search engines may stay there for some

To prevent search engines indexing any files in a particular folder, use
a robots.txt file to keep them out.
The robots.txt file is a text file located in the root of your website,
with the following entry:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /PRIVATE

Do not leave any blank lines between User-agent and Disallow.

Some search engine robots do not honour the robots.txt file, those that
do (includes all the major search engines) will also honour the meta
tags you are using.
To keep the FrontPage search out of the folder, rename the folder to
begin with an underline


And modify the robots.txt file accordingly. Note that FrontPage already
has a _private folder with special permissions, so you may need a
different name for yours. FrontPage search ignores the robots.txt file
and meta tags.

Thomas A. Rowe

You could also make the subfolder a subweb / subsite.

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage


Disallow: /PRIVATE <<

Thank you very VERY Much.

begin with an underline


And modify the robots.txt file accordingly. <<

Oh My, I Cannot believe that it was that easy to fix. Grrrr. I've been
reading htaccess tips and searching security sites, lol. Thank you very much,
I really appreciate your rapid response.



To prevent search engines indexing any files in a particular folder, use
a robots.txt file to keep them out.
The robots.txt file is a text file located in the root of your website,
with the following entry:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /PRIVATE

If I have multiple Folders to exclude can I write it this way:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /PRIVATE
Disallow: /Private2
Disallow: /Private3

Will that still work?

Thomas A. Rowe

FYI: However using a robots.txt also provides hackers with a roadmap to content you do not wish to
be seen/accessed since the file can be view in any browser.

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

Mike Mueller

As has been stated previously; the search engines (at least the good ones),
will honor the Robots.txt file- but the MS Index Server (which powers the
FPSE search feature on Windows Hosts) does not evaluate the robots.txt file,
so you will need to use the also previously mentioned underscore for the

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