Preventing Duplicates...



Hello All,
I use the following code to import records from a temporary spreadsheet to
the master log. Each record will have a unique date, and no two records
should be inserted into the master, with the same date.

I want to add some code that will loop through the master log and and check
to see if the date in the incoming record has the same date as any in the
master log. if it does, i want the system to generate a message, asking if
hte user wants to overwrite the existing value, or cancel the process.

The source workbook is called 'Copreco Daily Reading Submission Log' and the
data is on sheet 1. Reading Date in the source sheet is in Column A, and is
formatted as: dd-mmm-yyyy

The destination sheet is called 'Daily Reading Master Log'
Reading Date is in column B and is formated as: dd-mmm-yyyy


Sub CopyFromCoprecoReading()
'these have to do with THIS workbook
'name of the sheet to get data from
Const destSheet = "Daily Reading Master Log" ' in HQ master workbook
'This is the name you want to give to the
'NEW workbook created each time to put new data
'into as set up this code will overwrite any
'existing file of this name without any warning.
Const newWorkbookName = "Copreco Daily Reading Submission.xls"
Const sourceSheet = "Sheet1"
Dim sourceBook As String
Dim destBook As String
Dim maxLastRow As Long
Dim destLastRow As Long
Dim pathToUserDesktop As String
Dim filePath As Variant
Dim MLC As Integer ' loop counter
Dim myErrMsg As String

'this is the setup to 'map' cells from the
'Copreco Reading.xls file sheet to different
'columns in the HQ master workbook worksheet
'Declare an array to hold the pairs
'change the 10 to the actual number
'of cells that are to be copied
Dim Map() As String
'array elements Map(1,n) will hold
'the source column ID from Copreco Reading
'array elements Map(2,n) will hold
'the column they are to be copied to in
'the master workbook

'determine last possible row number
'based on version of Excel in use
maxLastRow = GetMaxLastRow()
'determine how many elements we need in the array
'borrow destLastRow for a moment
destLastRow = Worksheets("ColumnsMap").Range("B" &
ReDim Map(1 To 2, 1 To (destLastRow - 3)) ' presumes row 4 has 1st entry
For MLC = LBound(Map, 2) To UBound(Map, 2)
If IsError(Worksheets("ColumnsMap").Range("B" & (MLC + 3))) Then
Map(1, MLC) = "#NA" ' to flag as problem later
'seems good to go
Map(1, MLC) = Trim(Worksheets("ColumnsMap").Range("B" & (MLC +
End If
If IsError(Worksheets("ColumnsMap").Range("E" & (MLC + 3))) Then
Map(2, MLC) = "#NA" ' to flag as problem later
Map(2, MLC) = Trim(Worksheets("ColumnsMap").Range("E" & (MLC +
End If
'keeps screen from flickering
'speeds things up also
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
destBook = ThisWorkbook.Name
'build up the path to the user's desktop
'based on standard paths and Windows standards
'path is normally
' C:\Documents and Settings\username\Desktop
'our task is to determine the 'username' portion
'which is the Windows username (login name) which
'may be different than the Excel UserName
pathToUserDesktop = "C:\Documents and Settings\" & _
Get_Win_User_Name() & "\Desktop\" & newWorkbookName
'see if that workbook is where it is supposed to be
sourceBook = Dir$(pathToUserDesktop)
If sourceBook = "" Then
'it's not on the desktop
'have the user browse for it
filePath = Application.GetSaveAsFilename
If filePath = False Then
Exit Sub ' user cancelled
End If
pathToUserDesktop = filePath
End If
' open the 'Copreco Reading.xls' file
Workbooks.Open pathToUserDesktop
sourceBook = ActiveWorkbook.Name
'get back over to this workbook
'to sheet to add data to
'find out what row is available
destLastRow = 0
For MLC = LBound(Map, 2) To UBound(Map, 2)
If Map(2, MLC) <> "#NA" Then
If Range(Map(2, MLC) & maxLastRow).End(xlUp).Row + 1 >
destLastRow Then
destLastRow = Range(Map(2, MLC) & maxLastRow).End(xlUp).Row
+ 1
End If
End If
If destLastRow > maxLastRow Then
MsgBox "No room in HQ Master Sheet to add entry. Aborting
operation.", _
vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "No Room on Sheet"
Exit Sub
ElseIf destLastRow = 0 Then
'could not come up with a valid column id for this workbook!
myErrMsg = "A rather serious problem has occured - cannot find
column references for "
myErrMsg = myErrMsg & "the Daily Reading Master Log sheet." & vbCrLf
myErrMsg = myErrMsg & "Data cannot be transferred. Please send a
copy of BOTH "
myErrMsg = myErrMsg & "workbooks (this one and the 'Copreco
Reading.xls' file to:" & vbCrLf
myErrMsg = myErrMsg & "(e-mail address removed)"
MsgBox myErrMsg, vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Column ID Error - Aborting!"
Exit Sub
End If
'copy the data from Copreco Reading.xls to the HQ master book
For MLC = LBound(Map, 2) To UBound(Map, 2)
'this watches out for #NA entries in the array of column letters
If Map(1, MLC) <> "#NA" And Map(2, MLC) <> "#NA" Then
Workbooks(destBook).Worksheets(destSheet).Range(Map(2, MLC) &
destLastRow).Value = _
Workbooks(sourceBook).Worksheets(sourceSheet).Range(Map(1, MLC)
& 2).Value
End If
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
'close the 'Copreco Reading.xls' file
'w/o saving any changes
Workbooks(sourceBook).Close False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Can anyone help me out?


Hi Carlee -

See my response to your 4/17/07 post. Subject: "error message handling
help." There you'll see a technique for using the Find method to check your
date column. Instert it in your application as you find appropriate.

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