Preventing Leveling from moving meeting participants




I'm a relative neophyte to MSP and am trying to use it to schedule several
projects with a Shared Resource file. The problem I'm encountering is that
we sometimes have group meetings involving numerous people/resources.
Obviously, they must all meet together at the same time, but when they meet
is flexible. I have Automatic Leveling "on", and some of the participants
are moved to a different date. I tried turning off Effort Driven, and tried
setting Task Priority to 1000. It seems like this should be a very basic
thing to do so I'm probably just overlooking something simple, but it's
driving me nuts! Can someone give me some helpful direction?

Many thanks!

Mike Glen

Hi Charlie,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

Setting Priority at 1000 is the way to go. When you level, make sure that
splits are allowed.

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this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP
See for my free Project Tutorials


Aside from turning automatic levelling off and making the priority 1000
for your tasks as already suggested, you might want to make sure that
"Levelling can adjust individual assignments on a task" is not selected.


Thanks to you all! I'm going to try all the advice and read the links

I already discovered that automatic leveling is not such a good idea... I
had it on while changing INCREASING some resource allocations (which should
have shortened the project time); instead, it added a year! I turned it off,
cleared the leveling, then used "Level Now" and it was back in the expected

Thanks again for the quick and useful replies...

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