Preventing "save changes" dialog box???


Robert Crandal

My spreadsheet data is stored in the range A1:J20. Therefore, I do not
care if a user plays with or modifies cells that are outside of this range.

Can I somehow program Excel to prevent the "Do you want to save
changes?" dialog box if a user changes cells that are out of range and
then s/he closes the workbook??

I basically only want the "save changes" dialog box to be prompted
when cells within the A1:J20 range are modified.

Thank you!

Simon Lloyd

Right click the worksheet tab that your concerned with and paste thi

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range
If Intersect(ActiveCell, Range("A1:J20")) Is Nothing The
ThisWorkbook.Saved = Tru
End I
End Su
My spreadsheet data is stored in the range A1:J20. Therefore, I do no
care if a user plays with or modifies cells that are outside of thi

Can I somehow program Excel to prevent the "Do you want to sav
changes?" dialog box if a user changes cells that are out of range an
then s/he closes the workbook?

I basically only want the "save changes" dialog box to be prompte
when cells within the A1:J20 range are modified

Thank you

Simon Lloy

Simon Lloy
'Microsoft Office Help' (

Charles Williams

If the user changes something in A1:J20 and then changes something outside
a1:j20 .Saved will be True but shouldnt be.

One more complicated way of handling this would be to maintain a hidden
shadow copy of A1:J20 somewhere which gets updated at each Save.
Then you could check in the Worksheet_Change event to see if the shadow copy
matched the real copy, and only set .saved to True if they matched.

The Excel Calculation Site

Simon Lloyd said:
Right click the worksheet tab that your concerned with and paste this

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Intersect(ActiveCell, Range("A1:J20")) Is Nothing Then
ThisWorkbook.Saved = True
End If
End Sub

My spreadsheet data is stored in the range A1:J20. Therefore, I do not
care if a user plays with or modifies cells that are outside of this

Can I somehow program Excel to prevent the "Do you want to save
changes?" dialog box if a user changes cells that are out of range and
then s/he closes the workbook??

I basically only want the "save changes" dialog box to be prompted
when cells within the A1:J20 range are modified.

Thank you!

Simon Lloyd

Simon Lloyd
'Microsoft Office Help' (
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Microsoft Office Help

Robert Crandal

Good catch on that flaw in the code...

As an alternative to the idea that you mention below, how about if
I create a global variable named something like "gWasModified"
and set it to false. If anything in A1:J20 is modified at any time,
then I could set "gWasModified" to true. In the worksheet deactivate
routine, couldn't I just check the global variable and then
set "ThisWorkbook.Saved" to true or false based on my global variable???

(I hope that makes sense, haha)

Charles Williams

Yup, sounds like that would work better than the shadow copy method:

Set global to false at workbook open

in Worksheet change
- set global to true if A1:J20 modified
- if global is false (a1:J20 has not been modified since last Save) then set
..Saved to true

At workbook save set global to false

The Excel Calculation Site

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