Preview form issues with main and secondary data sources??



It seems that the preview form functionality behaves differently depending
upon the type of data source used (i.e. main or secondary)? I am relatively
new to infopath so I am unsure if this is intended behaivour or if I am
missing something?

To begin, I have created an infopath form and created a data connection
using a secondary data source (web service to other applications). I then
create multiple form views, add additional data sources, and when I preview
the form it will preview the currently active form. This is OK as expected.
Now, I design another new infopath form starting from a data connection
(main data connection to a web service). I then create multiple form views
and additional data sources and drag them to the different form views (other
than the defualt view). When I preview any of the other views infopath seems
to revert back to the default view. Not sure if this is expected
functionality or not?

Any assistance is appreciated.


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