Preview Pane and Places Bar Headaches



OK, this is an odd one. I am running Vista Home 64 Bit and Office 2007. One
of the features I used the most when I had Windows XP and Word 2003 was the
preview pane in the open file dialogue box and in Windows Explorer. In my
current setup, something seems to have gone awry. I can preview Excel
documents in the Word open file dialogue box when I select "all files", but
not Word documents, and I can preview Word documents in the Excel open file
dialogue box with "all files" selected, but not Excel files! In the Vista
Windows Explorer preview pane, however, I can preview anything BUT Word
documents. I have done extensive reading on this topic and have obviously
found that I am not the only one with this issue. It also seems to be a
"known bug" and many forums have assigned it a number (735002). From the
dates on these fora, I see it has remained unresolved since Office 2007 was
The only suggestion read in these fora that has worked in part is right
clicking on winword.exe and excel.exe then asking them to run in
compatibility mode with Windows XP SP2. With that option selected I get the
open file dialogue box that I got in Windows XP and I am able to preview Word
docs in Word, BUT only Excel 2007 documents in Excel. Still, I use Word more
than Excel, so it is a good workaround, except...
When running in this compatibility mode, any folder that I place in the
Places Bar in any Office dialogue box (remember that my dialogue box is that
of Windows XP, since I am running in compatibility mode to be able to preview
files) disappears eventually from this area, creating another royal pain,
since I have to often dig deep into folder structures to find the one I need.

I am going crazy here trying to make this work. I need these two features
desperately, otherwise I need to open and close hundreds of folders and files
looking for the one I need. I realize that after a product launches bugs
surface and get addressed and fixed via patches, but this one has gone on for
way too long and is a real hindrance and a step backward. I urge you to fix

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Terry Farrell

Word 2007 - even in its latest guise (sp2) still does not preview documents
in the File Open dialog. It does work correctly in Windows Vista Explorer
Review pane though.

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