Preview Pane problem, Outlook 2000


Wiley C

Before re-formattting my HDD & re-installing Windows 2000 Pro SP4, Office
Small Business 2000, upgraded to SP3, I copied all of the files & folders to
DVDs. I had created folders in the "inbox". The preview pane was turned

After installing Win 2000 Pro & Office, I renamed the new outlook.pst to
new_outlook.pst, then copied outlook.pst from the DVD to my re-formatted HDD;
changed the attributes, to remove the "read only" attribute.

Now, the preview pane is turned on for every folder. I know how to disable
the preview pane for each folder. This occurs with each new folder I create.

It doesn't matter if I create a folder under "inbox" or "sent items". The
PP still appears.

Problem occurs if I open Outlook from start > programs ; desktop icon ; or
quick launch tool bar.

tools > options > other > PP gives me options about the font & marking the
messages, but nothing to show or not show the PP.

If I open outlook /safe, the problem goes away.

outlook /cleanviews puts the preview pane back, even from folders from which
I had removed the PP have the PP back!!!!

view > customize current view > other settings > "show preview pane" is

1. Why did this happen?

2. Is there some way to turn off the preview pane for all of the folders,

Thanks for your attention to my problem.


Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

Add the /nopreview switch to the shortcut you use to open Outlook.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

*** Messages sent to my e-mail address will NOT be answered -- please reply
only to the newsgroup to preserve the message thread. ***

Wiley C

Thanks for solving my problem.

Now, to the first question I asked, why did this happen?


Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

Not sure...if you put the old .pst file in the same place as Outlook created
the new one when you installed Outlook on the new machine, perhaps there was
some corruption. It's best to just put an old .PST file in a new location
and then tell Outlook where to find it.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

*** Messages sent to my e-mail address will NOT be answered -- please reply
only to the newsgroup to preserve the message thread. ***

Wiley C

Thanks for the reply.
How do I tell Outlook to look for the file? I can't find Outlook or *.pst
listed as a choice from "file" > "import"

I apologize for the length of time, JF, it took me to respond to your


Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

That's OK, I don't get to the groups every day sometimes myself.

Don't try to import from a .PST file; just open it in Outlook using File |
Open | Personal Folders File. It will open in your Folder List (View |
Folder List if it's not already visible).

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

*** Messages sent to my e-mail address will NOT be answered -- please reply
only to the newsgroup to preserve the message thread. ***

Wiley C

What do I do to display only ONE instance of "Personal Folders" in my
"folder list"?

Should I backup my outlook.pst , uninstall Outlook, install Outlook, put the
backup [ copy ] of outlook.pst in the original location , then file > open >
c:\ .. .\outlook.pst ?


Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

You probably have a corrupt profile. Start with a new one and configure it
to use your current good outlook.pst file. Control Panel->Mail
Icon->Profiles->New. Note where your .pst file it (it can be anywhere, I
prefer a second hard drive for safety purposes) and then point Outlook to
that file when given the opportunity.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, Wiley C asked:

| JF:
| What do I do to display only ONE instance of "Personal Folders" in my
| "folder list"?
| Should I backup my outlook.pst , uninstall Outlook, install Outlook,
| put the backup [ copy ] of outlook.pst in the original location ,
| then file > open > c:\ .. .\outlook.pst ?
| WC
| "Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
|| That's OK, I don't get to the groups every day sometimes myself.
|| Don't try to import from a .PST file; just open it in Outlook using
|| File | Open | Personal Folders File. It will open in your Folder
|| List (View | Folder List if it's not already visible).
|| --
|| Jocelyn Fiorello
|| MVP - Outlook
|| *** Messages sent to my e-mail address will NOT be answered --
|| please reply only to the newsgroup to preserve the message thread.
|| ***
|| "Wiley C" wrote:
||| JF:
||| Thanks for the reply.
||| How do I tell Outlook to look for the file? I can't find Outlook
||| or *.pst listed as a choice from "file" > "import"
||| I apologize for the length of time, JF, it took me to respond to
||| your suggestion.
||| WC
||| "Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
|||| Not sure...if you put the old .pst file in the same place as
|||| Outlook created the new one when you installed Outlook on the new
|||| machine, perhaps there was some corruption. It's best to just put
|||| an old .PST file in a new location and then tell Outlook where to
|||| find it.
|||| --
|||| Jocelyn Fiorello
|||| MVP - Outlook
|||| *** Messages sent to my e-mail address will NOT be answered --
|||| please reply only to the newsgroup to preserve the message thread.
|||| ***
|||| "Wiley C" wrote:
||||| JF:
||||| Thanks for solving my problem.
||||| Now, to the first question I asked, why did this happen?
||||| WC
||||| "Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
|||||| Add the /nopreview switch to the shortcut you use to open
|||||| Outlook.
|||||| --
|||||| Jocelyn Fiorello
|||||| MVP - Outlook
|||||| *** Messages sent to my e-mail address will NOT be answered --
|||||| please reply only to the newsgroup to preserve the message
|||||| thread. ***
|||||| "Wiley C" wrote:
||||||| Before re-formattting my HDD & re-installing Windows 2000 Pro
||||||| SP4, Office Small Business 2000, upgraded to SP3, I copied all
||||||| of the files & folders to DVDs. I had created folders in the
||||||| "inbox". The preview pane was turned off.
||||||| After installing Win 2000 Pro & Office, I renamed the new
||||||| outlook.pst to new_outlook.pst, then copied outlook.pst from
||||||| the DVD to my re-formatted HDD; changed the attributes, to
||||||| remove the "read only" attribute.
||||||| Now, the preview pane is turned on for every folder. I know
||||||| how to disable the preview pane for each folder. This occurs
||||||| with each new folder I create.
||||||| It doesn't matter if I create a folder under "inbox" or "sent
||||||| items". The PP still appears.
||||||| Problem occurs if I open Outlook from start > programs ;
||||||| desktop icon ; or quick launch tool bar.
||||||| tools > options > other > PP gives me options about the font &
||||||| marking the messages, but nothing to show or not show the PP.
||||||| If I open outlook /safe, the problem goes away.
||||||| outlook /cleanviews puts the preview pane back, even from
||||||| folders from which I had removed the PP have the PP back!!!!
||||||| view > customize current view > other settings > "show preview
||||||| pane" is unchecked.
||||||| 1. Why did this happen?
||||||| 2. Is there some way to turn off the preview pane for all of
||||||| the folders, simultaneously?
||||||| Thanks for your attention to my problem.
||||||| WC

Wiley C

At this point, I am very frustrated. I am willing to re-format my HDD,
re-install Windows 2000 Pro SP4, Outlook 2000, etc.

I need to save all of my messages / folders. Before I re-format, I intend
my .pst files to disk. If this is not recommended, please advise me.

After I re-format, re-install Win 2000, Office, et al, what should I do to
get Outlook to point to my old messages / folders?

Where should I put the .pst file? Currently, it is in C:\documents and
settings\username\local settings\application data\microsoft\outlook.

I have 2 .pst files, mailbox.pst & outlook.pst. Mailbox.pst is > twice the
size of outlook.pst.

How do I avoid the problems I've had: 1. 2 instances of "personal folders"
in the Outlook "folder bar" and the "preview pane" being present in every sub

Thanks for your help.


Milly Staples said:
You probably have a corrupt profile. Start with a new one and configure it
to use your current good outlook.pst file. Control Panel->Mail
Icon->Profiles->New. Note where your .pst file it (it can be anywhere, I
prefer a second hard drive for safety purposes) and then point Outlook to
that file when given the opportunity.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, Wiley C asked:

| JF:
| What do I do to display only ONE instance of "Personal Folders" in my
| "folder list"?
| Should I backup my outlook.pst , uninstall Outlook, install Outlook,
| put the backup [ copy ] of outlook.pst in the original location ,
| then file > open > c:\ .. .\outlook.pst ?
| WC
| "Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
|| That's OK, I don't get to the groups every day sometimes myself.
|| Don't try to import from a .PST file; just open it in Outlook using
|| File | Open | Personal Folders File. It will open in your Folder
|| List (View | Folder List if it's not already visible).
|| --
|| Jocelyn Fiorello
|| MVP - Outlook
|| *** Messages sent to my e-mail address will NOT be answered --
|| please reply only to the newsgroup to preserve the message thread.
|| ***
|| "Wiley C" wrote:
||| JF:
||| Thanks for the reply.
||| How do I tell Outlook to look for the file? I can't find Outlook
||| or *.pst listed as a choice from "file" > "import"
||| I apologize for the length of time, JF, it took me to respond to
||| your suggestion.
||| WC
||| "Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
|||| Not sure...if you put the old .pst file in the same place as
|||| Outlook created the new one when you installed Outlook on the new
|||| machine, perhaps there was some corruption. It's best to just put
|||| an old .PST file in a new location and then tell Outlook where to
|||| find it.
|||| --
|||| Jocelyn Fiorello
|||| MVP - Outlook
|||| *** Messages sent to my e-mail address will NOT be answered --
|||| please reply only to the newsgroup to preserve the message thread.
|||| ***
|||| "Wiley C" wrote:
||||| JF:
||||| Thanks for solving my problem.
||||| Now, to the first question I asked, why did this happen?
||||| WC
||||| "Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
|||||| Add the /nopreview switch to the shortcut you use to open
|||||| Outlook.
|||||| --
|||||| Jocelyn Fiorello
|||||| MVP - Outlook
|||||| *** Messages sent to my e-mail address will NOT be answered --
|||||| please reply only to the newsgroup to preserve the message
|||||| thread. ***
|||||| "Wiley C" wrote:
||||||| Before re-formattting my HDD & re-installing Windows 2000 Pro
||||||| SP4, Office Small Business 2000, upgraded to SP3, I copied all
||||||| of the files & folders to DVDs. I had created folders in the
||||||| "inbox". The preview pane was turned off.
||||||| After installing Win 2000 Pro & Office, I renamed the new
||||||| outlook.pst to new_outlook.pst, then copied outlook.pst from
||||||| the DVD to my re-formatted HDD; changed the attributes, to
||||||| remove the "read only" attribute.
||||||| Now, the preview pane is turned on for every folder. I know
||||||| how to disable the preview pane for each folder. This occurs
||||||| with each new folder I create.
||||||| It doesn't matter if I create a folder under "inbox" or "sent
||||||| items". The PP still appears.
||||||| Problem occurs if I open Outlook from start > programs ;
||||||| desktop icon ; or quick launch tool bar.
||||||| tools > options > other > PP gives me options about the font &
||||||| marking the messages, but nothing to show or not show the PP.
||||||| If I open outlook /safe, the problem goes away.
||||||| outlook /cleanviews puts the preview pane back, even from
||||||| folders from which I had removed the PP have the PP back!!!!
||||||| view > customize current view > other settings > "show preview
||||||| pane" is unchecked.
||||||| 1. Why did this happen?
||||||| 2. Is there some way to turn off the preview pane for all of
||||||| the folders, simultaneously?
||||||| Thanks for your attention to my problem.
||||||| WC


I know this is confusing, but you can have multiple PST files with the same
name in Outlook. It depends on the name that you give it when you put it
into Outlook. If you want to give the PST files different names, you can go
to Tools, Options, Mail Setup, Data Files, and change the Settings for the
files. They will usually be either different names, or in different
locations, but could still all be named "Personal Folders" in Outlook's
Folder List. It's always a good idea to give the PST files different names
just to be clear on which file is in which location or filename, i.e.
C:\Outlook\MyName.PST is named "Personal Folders Hard Drive", and \\Network
Drive\MyName.PST is named "Personal Folders Network", or something like that.
This makes it easier to tell which "Personal Folder" in Outlook is which

Wiley C said:
At this point, I am very frustrated. I am willing to re-format my HDD,
re-install Windows 2000 Pro SP4, Outlook 2000, etc.

I need to save all of my messages / folders. Before I re-format, I intend
my .pst files to disk. If this is not recommended, please advise me.

After I re-format, re-install Win 2000, Office, et al, what should I do to
get Outlook to point to my old messages / folders?

Where should I put the .pst file? Currently, it is in C:\documents and
settings\username\local settings\application data\microsoft\outlook.

I have 2 .pst files, mailbox.pst & outlook.pst. Mailbox.pst is > twice the
size of outlook.pst.

How do I avoid the problems I've had: 1. 2 instances of "personal folders"
in the Outlook "folder bar" and the "preview pane" being present in every sub

Thanks for your help.


Milly Staples said:
You probably have a corrupt profile. Start with a new one and configure it
to use your current good outlook.pst file. Control Panel->Mail
Icon->Profiles->New. Note where your .pst file it (it can be anywhere, I
prefer a second hard drive for safety purposes) and then point Outlook to
that file when given the opportunity.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, Wiley C asked:

| JF:
| What do I do to display only ONE instance of "Personal Folders" in my
| "folder list"?
| Should I backup my outlook.pst , uninstall Outlook, install Outlook,
| put the backup [ copy ] of outlook.pst in the original location ,
| then file > open > c:\ .. .\outlook.pst ?
| WC
| "Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
|| That's OK, I don't get to the groups every day sometimes myself.
|| Don't try to import from a .PST file; just open it in Outlook using
|| File | Open | Personal Folders File. It will open in your Folder
|| List (View | Folder List if it's not already visible).
|| --
|| Jocelyn Fiorello
|| MVP - Outlook
|| *** Messages sent to my e-mail address will NOT be answered --
|| please reply only to the newsgroup to preserve the message thread.
|| ***
|| "Wiley C" wrote:
||| JF:
||| Thanks for the reply.
||| How do I tell Outlook to look for the file? I can't find Outlook
||| or *.pst listed as a choice from "file" > "import"
||| I apologize for the length of time, JF, it took me to respond to
||| your suggestion.
||| WC
||| "Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
|||| Not sure...if you put the old .pst file in the same place as
|||| Outlook created the new one when you installed Outlook on the new
|||| machine, perhaps there was some corruption. It's best to just put
|||| an old .PST file in a new location and then tell Outlook where to
|||| find it.
|||| --
|||| Jocelyn Fiorello
|||| MVP - Outlook
|||| *** Messages sent to my e-mail address will NOT be answered --
|||| please reply only to the newsgroup to preserve the message thread.
|||| ***
|||| "Wiley C" wrote:
||||| JF:
||||| Thanks for solving my problem.
||||| Now, to the first question I asked, why did this happen?
||||| WC
||||| "Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
|||||| Add the /nopreview switch to the shortcut you use to open
|||||| Outlook.
|||||| --
|||||| Jocelyn Fiorello
|||||| MVP - Outlook
|||||| *** Messages sent to my e-mail address will NOT be answered --
|||||| please reply only to the newsgroup to preserve the message
|||||| thread. ***
|||||| "Wiley C" wrote:
||||||| Before re-formattting my HDD & re-installing Windows 2000 Pro
||||||| SP4, Office Small Business 2000, upgraded to SP3, I copied all
||||||| of the files & folders to DVDs. I had created folders in the
||||||| "inbox". The preview pane was turned off.
||||||| After installing Win 2000 Pro & Office, I renamed the new
||||||| outlook.pst to new_outlook.pst, then copied outlook.pst from
||||||| the DVD to my re-formatted HDD; changed the attributes, to
||||||| remove the "read only" attribute.
||||||| Now, the preview pane is turned on for every folder. I know
||||||| how to disable the preview pane for each folder. This occurs
||||||| with each new folder I create.
||||||| It doesn't matter if I create a folder under "inbox" or "sent
||||||| items". The PP still appears.
||||||| Problem occurs if I open Outlook from start > programs ;
||||||| desktop icon ; or quick launch tool bar.
||||||| tools > options > other > PP gives me options about the font &
||||||| marking the messages, but nothing to show or not show the PP.
||||||| If I open outlook /safe, the problem goes away.
||||||| outlook /cleanviews puts the preview pane back, even from
||||||| folders from which I had removed the PP have the PP back!!!!
||||||| view > customize current view > other settings > "show preview
||||||| pane" is unchecked.
||||||| 1. Why did this happen?
||||||| 2. Is there some way to turn off the preview pane for all of
||||||| the folders, simultaneously?
||||||| Thanks for your attention to my problem.
||||||| WC

Wiley C

After installing Outlook 2000, I renamed outlook.pst to new_outlook.pst.
Then I pasted outlook.pst from optical disk to c:\ docs &
setting\username\local settings .. .. . . , removed the "read only"

So, what do recommend NOW, so that I won't have this problem. I don't want
to use the outlook.pst file from early Sept because I will lose the messages
/ folders received / created during the past month.


Jammer said:
I know this is confusing, but you can have multiple PST files with the same
name in Outlook. It depends on the name that you give it when you put it
into Outlook. If you want to give the PST files different names, you can go
to Tools, Options, Mail Setup, Data Files, and change the Settings for the
files. They will usually be either different names, or in different
locations, but could still all be named "Personal Folders" in Outlook's
Folder List. It's always a good idea to give the PST files different names
just to be clear on which file is in which location or filename, i.e.
C:\Outlook\MyName.PST is named "Personal Folders Hard Drive", and \\Network
Drive\MyName.PST is named "Personal Folders Network", or something like that.
This makes it easier to tell which "Personal Folder" in Outlook is which

Wiley C said:
At this point, I am very frustrated. I am willing to re-format my HDD,
re-install Windows 2000 Pro SP4, Outlook 2000, etc.

I need to save all of my messages / folders. Before I re-format, I intend
my .pst files to disk. If this is not recommended, please advise me.

After I re-format, re-install Win 2000, Office, et al, what should I do to
get Outlook to point to my old messages / folders?

Where should I put the .pst file? Currently, it is in C:\documents and
settings\username\local settings\application data\microsoft\outlook.

I have 2 .pst files, mailbox.pst & outlook.pst. Mailbox.pst is > twice the
size of outlook.pst.

How do I avoid the problems I've had: 1. 2 instances of "personal folders"
in the Outlook "folder bar" and the "preview pane" being present in every sub

Thanks for your help.


Milly Staples said:
You probably have a corrupt profile. Start with a new one and configure it
to use your current good outlook.pst file. Control Panel->Mail
Icon->Profiles->New. Note where your .pst file it (it can be anywhere, I
prefer a second hard drive for safety purposes) and then point Outlook to
that file when given the opportunity.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, Wiley C asked:

| JF:
| What do I do to display only ONE instance of "Personal Folders" in my
| "folder list"?
| Should I backup my outlook.pst , uninstall Outlook, install Outlook,
| put the backup [ copy ] of outlook.pst in the original location ,
| then file > open > c:\ .. .\outlook.pst ?
| WC
| "Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
|| That's OK, I don't get to the groups every day sometimes myself.
|| Don't try to import from a .PST file; just open it in Outlook using
|| File | Open | Personal Folders File. It will open in your Folder
|| List (View | Folder List if it's not already visible).
|| --
|| Jocelyn Fiorello
|| MVP - Outlook
|| *** Messages sent to my e-mail address will NOT be answered --
|| please reply only to the newsgroup to preserve the message thread.
|| ***
|| "Wiley C" wrote:
||| JF:
||| Thanks for the reply.
||| How do I tell Outlook to look for the file? I can't find Outlook
||| or *.pst listed as a choice from "file" > "import"
||| I apologize for the length of time, JF, it took me to respond to
||| your suggestion.
||| WC
||| "Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
|||| Not sure...if you put the old .pst file in the same place as
|||| Outlook created the new one when you installed Outlook on the new
|||| machine, perhaps there was some corruption. It's best to just put
|||| an old .PST file in a new location and then tell Outlook where to
|||| find it.
|||| --
|||| Jocelyn Fiorello
|||| MVP - Outlook
|||| *** Messages sent to my e-mail address will NOT be answered --
|||| please reply only to the newsgroup to preserve the message thread.
|||| ***
|||| "Wiley C" wrote:
||||| JF:
||||| Thanks for solving my problem.
||||| Now, to the first question I asked, why did this happen?
||||| WC
||||| "Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
|||||| Add the /nopreview switch to the shortcut you use to open
|||||| Outlook.
|||||| --
|||||| Jocelyn Fiorello
|||||| MVP - Outlook
|||||| *** Messages sent to my e-mail address will NOT be answered --
|||||| please reply only to the newsgroup to preserve the message
|||||| thread. ***
|||||| "Wiley C" wrote:
||||||| Before re-formattting my HDD & re-installing Windows 2000 Pro
||||||| SP4, Office Small Business 2000, upgraded to SP3, I copied all
||||||| of the files & folders to DVDs. I had created folders in the
||||||| "inbox". The preview pane was turned off.
||||||| After installing Win 2000 Pro & Office, I renamed the new
||||||| outlook.pst to new_outlook.pst, then copied outlook.pst from
||||||| the DVD to my re-formatted HDD; changed the attributes, to
||||||| remove the "read only" attribute.
||||||| Now, the preview pane is turned on for every folder. I know
||||||| how to disable the preview pane for each folder. This occurs
||||||| with each new folder I create.
||||||| It doesn't matter if I create a folder under "inbox" or "sent
||||||| items". The PP still appears.
||||||| Problem occurs if I open Outlook from start > programs ;
||||||| desktop icon ; or quick launch tool bar.
||||||| tools > options > other > PP gives me options about the font &
||||||| marking the messages, but nothing to show or not show the PP.
||||||| If I open outlook /safe, the problem goes away.
||||||| outlook /cleanviews puts the preview pane back, even from
||||||| folders from which I had removed the PP have the PP back!!!!
||||||| view > customize current view > other settings > "show preview
||||||| pane" is unchecked.
||||||| 1. Why did this happen?
||||||| 2. Is there some way to turn off the preview pane for all of
||||||| the folders, simultaneously?
||||||| Thanks for your attention to my problem.
||||||| WC

Brian Tillman

Wiley C said:
After installing Outlook 2000, I renamed outlook.pst to
new_outlook.pst. Then I pasted outlook.pst from optical disk to c:\
docs & setting\username\local settings .. .. . . , removed the "read
only" attribute.

You could very well have damaged your mail profile doing this. Never
overwrite an existing PST or rename one to match one that Outlook was using.

Try creating a new mail profile. See "2" in the following:

Wiley C

IMO? Internet Mail Only?

I had selected that option, which according to Outlook's "help" > about, I
am using Internet Mail Only.

Do you recommend that I change?


Brian Tillman

Wiley C said:
IMO? Internet Mail Only?

That's what it means, yes.
I had selected that option, which according to Outlook's "help" >
about, I am using Internet Mail Only.

I realize this. That's why I referenced the message I did as opposed to a
description of how to create a new mail profile for Outlook 2000 in CW mode.
Do you recommend that I change?

Depends. If you have need to access and IMAP account, you can't change. If
you have need to access an Exchange account, you must change. If you
reference only POP accounts, then you can use either. I prefer CW mode so
that the mail profile interface is exposed.

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