Previewers Not Available in Outlook 2007


Fred Gaston

Must I install Word & Excel 2007 to have previewer functionality in Outlook
2007? (I only installed Outllook 2007 & Word/Excel 2003 are still
installed). I can't find any option to install previewers. Thanks


Do you mean the Reading Pane? That's not tied to Word. It should be under
View on the OL menu. Look up Reading Pane in Help.

Fred Gaston

Reading pane is working. When I click on a Word attachment it says "This
file cannot be previewed because there is no previewer installed for it".
Wondering if the previewers are add-ons or must Word 2007 be installed too?
Thanks, Fred

Patrick Schmid [MVP]


Fred Gaston

I figured it out. The previewer is not available if you haven't installed
the underlying application (i.e. Word to preview Word files, etc.). I
installed Word 2007 & can now preview Word attachments. Fred

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