PreviewReport collapses Form



Why does opening a Report in Print Preview mode collapse the form I called it
from. When I close the report the main screen has collapsed to about one
third of its proper size. I use the standard call for the report like so:-

Dim stDocName As String

stDocName = "TransferTransactions"
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview

Any help would be most appreciated

Rick Brandt

Andy6 said:
Why does opening a Report in Print Preview mode collapse the form I
called it from. When I close the report the main screen has collapsed
to about one third of its proper size. I use the standard call for
the report like so:-

Dim stDocName As String

stDocName = "TransferTransactions"
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview

Any help would be most appreciated

For some reason a lot of Access users have the desire to run all forms maximized
all the time. I have never understood that and Access doesn't seem to
understand it either. Being a MDI application when you maximize one window you
maximize all windows and when you restore one window you restore all windows.
The exception being popup windows. Excel and Word operate the same way.

Anyway, closing a maximized report (for some reason) triggers the Restore
command and all your maximized windows revert to normal size. I don't know if
there is any way to avoid that other than to use the Activate event of all
objects to re-maximize them (and even that can be flaky).

My recomendation would be to eliminate running everything maximized as a
requirement of the application. It's non-standard and unnecessary.


Many Thanks Rick your suggestion was right on target. I was using
DoCmd.maximise as a way out and didn't realise it was causing the problem.
What would we do with out you guys?
Many Thanks Andy..

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