Previous Data in a form



Hello, I have a scenario here that I hope will not happen. I have a
template that uses data connections to retrieve current information. Now
what if a client gets fired and they add a new client and then that template
will use the new name. What happens to the other forms that had the old
client's data, will the previous client's form overwrite with new client
info? Thank you for your time. Using infopath 2007 client.

Chandrakanth (GGK Tech)


Untill you open the old forms the new client will not get added into the form.


If that is the case, how can they open the form if they need to? I guess
best possible scenario would be to print it to a pdf file before update the
new template?

Ed Thurber

one way to prevent unwanted updates is to use rules to populate lookup
fields instead of defaults values. If you use default values, any changes
to the data source will be populated when the data source is read (on file
open by default). not sure what information you are populating via the
SharePoint list, but if it is pulled based on the value entered in onother
field, simply apply a rule to that field that populates the values in the
lookup fields. then the data will only be updated when/if the source field

More info on your application may be helpfull

hope this helps



this list has 10 to 20 clients with filters set to each template. Its not
set to default values only by filters.

Ed Thurber

Sorry, don't quite understand.

how are the values in the form being set (how does the element in the forms
main data source get set to the value from the list)?



My apologies,

Yes the forms receive secondary data source, set as a default value @Client
using filter by a category that the form is based on so it would get the
right client's name into a correct template.

Ed Thurber

I would change form by removing the default value from the element and
adding a "get client info" button. Clicking the button would fire off rules
that set the client info elements. You may also want to change the data
connection so that it doesn't automatically download and add another rule
(before the previous rule) that queries that data connection.

another way i just though of would be to use "on open" rules. If the client
info element is blank, then the rules fire. If it is not blank, then the
rules don't. (this option is not available in Form Services)

hope this helps



Thanks for your insight, this would also prevent resetting the default value
from element each time when data connection is reset to a different site name
correct? I will use this method.

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