Kirk P.
My data looks like this:
RunDate Customer SoldDate
03/26/2007 ABC 02/26/2007
03/26/2007 ABC 03/15/2007
04/09/2007 ABC 03/31/2007
04/09/2007 ABC 03/28/2007
04/09/2007 ABC 04/05/2007
Obviously I can retrieve records associated with a RunDate of 4/9/2007 by
selecting the max date, however I want to select the records associated with
the RunDate just prior to the max date, in this case 3/26/2007. Any way to
do this without actually creating a form to let the user select the date?
I'd prefer it automatically pick the date just prior to the max date.
RunDate Customer SoldDate
03/26/2007 ABC 02/26/2007
03/26/2007 ABC 03/15/2007
04/09/2007 ABC 03/31/2007
04/09/2007 ABC 03/28/2007
04/09/2007 ABC 04/05/2007
Obviously I can retrieve records associated with a RunDate of 4/9/2007 by
selecting the max date, however I want to select the records associated with
the RunDate just prior to the max date, in this case 3/26/2007. Any way to
do this without actually creating a form to let the user select the date?
I'd prefer it automatically pick the date just prior to the max date.