Previous Months data

  • Thread starter gm6243 via
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gm6243 via


I am using Access 2003 as Front end and Sql backend. I have a cross tab query
which spits sales by sales rep for month 1 to mth xx based on the date
selected in cmbox enddate. I want to restrict the data for for the past 6
mths from the date selected in the combobox enddate.

I tried using this :
Between DateAdd("m",-5,[Forms]![Utilization Reports]![EndDate]) And DateAdd
("m",0,[Forms]![Utilization Reports]![EndDate])

but for the months with 30 days, it starts the report from the 30th of the

To make it clear, when I select June 30, 2009, it should give me the totals
for Jan 2009, Feb 2009 .....June 2009.

Can someone please advise at to what I am doing wrong here.

Thank you,


Jerry Whittle

Between DateAdd("m",-5,[Forms]![Utilization
Reports]![EndDate])-Day([Forms]![Utilization Reports]![EndDate])+1 AND
Reports]![EndDate])-Day([Forms]![Utilization Reports]![EndDate])

Make sure that you want -5 or -6.

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