Previous record requery troubles


Iowa Joe

I have a form "frm_Releases" that is used to release items from hold. This
form allows the user to release any quantity of a specific hold as long as it
does not exceed the current hold quantity. I have a combo box that is used to
select the holdID. This combo box also shows the current hold quantity, which
is calculated using a query. The way I have it set up now is that everytime a
new record is added, I run a requery to update the value shown in the combo
box. I also have a text field that is locked that shows the current hold
quantity on the same form. The release quantity has a validation rule that
checks to make sure it is not more than the value in the text box which shows
the current hold quantity.

The problem I am having is that if the user goes to previous records to edit
something, they may not be able to make the desired changes. This happens
when for instance there are 10 current holds and the user releases 5 of them.
The requery then calculates the current holds to 5. If the user made a
mistake and meant to release all holds they will go to the previous records
and change the release quantity to 10. However, now that the current hold
shows 5, it does not allow them to do so based on my validation rule. Is
there a way to have the previous record show the old "current quantity" so
that the user is able to make the necessary changes?

Thanks for the help.

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