Price Calculations



I have a Brands table which contains three fields which
are BrandID, Brand, MarkUp. I also have a products table
which contains the fields Sku, Description, Cost, Price,
BrandID. In my form, after I enter the BrandID I want a
markup field to synchronize with the markup of the Table:
Brands so that the price field is equal to the cost field
times the markup field. How can I do this.

Michel Walsh


Base the form on a query that should be something like:

SELECT Brands.BrandID, Brand, Markup, Sku, Description, Cost, Price, Cost+Markup As SuggestedPrice
FROM Products INNER JOIN Brands ON Products.BrandID=Brands.BrandID

You have to specify the table, as in Brands.BrandID, if the field, here BrandID, can come from
within two different tables.

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

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