I've been using the price function to check some work I've been doing.
I'm able to replicate the Excel values for A/A, A/365 and A/360 day
count options to a large number of decimal places for all days during
the life of a bond EXCEPT between the penultimate and the last coupon
of a bond when the price function appears to drop almost twice as much
as I think it should. I can see no reason why it should and I like my
answers better!!
I can't find out if this is an error that has been discovered before or
if I've missed something.
Look forward to seeing if someone else has had this problem.
I'm able to replicate the Excel values for A/A, A/365 and A/360 day
count options to a large number of decimal places for all days during
the life of a bond EXCEPT between the penultimate and the last coupon
of a bond when the price function appears to drop almost twice as much
as I think it should. I can see no reason why it should and I like my
answers better!!
I can't find out if this is an error that has been discovered before or
if I've missed something.
Look forward to seeing if someone else has had this problem.