tidwellbj via AccessMonster.com
I have a Work Order Database where my tbleequippricelist needs to be updated
to new pricing. When I change the pricing all of my history invoices change.
What is the easist way to update these prices. I have tried an update query
but I made a big mess.
ID- autonumber PK
description - text
unit - text
unitprice - currency (need to update these prices, prices changed by
different amounts)
this table is one to many to tbleinstallqty. This table stores my quantities.
Which is also a subform in my main form.
IDqty - auto number PK
ID - number
InstallWOID- number
Quantity- number
this table is one to many to tbleinstallwo which holds all of the general
The way my form works is you choose the "contract number" from a combo box
then it pulls up the companies information. Here is the query infor for the
subform I have when you select the pricing.
SELECT tblinstallwo.Workordernum2, tblinstallqty.IDqty, tblinstallqty.ID,
tblequippricelist.unit, tblequippricelist.unitprice, tblinstallqty.quantity,
[unitprice]*[quantity] AS Totalprice, tblinstallqty.InstallWOID
FROM tblequippricelist INNER JOIN (tblinstallwo INNER JOIN tblinstallqty ON
tblinstallwo.InstallWOID = tblinstallqty.InstallWOID) ON tblequippricelist.ID
= tblinstallqty.ID;
to new pricing. When I change the pricing all of my history invoices change.
What is the easist way to update these prices. I have tried an update query
but I made a big mess.
ID- autonumber PK
description - text
unit - text
unitprice - currency (need to update these prices, prices changed by
different amounts)
this table is one to many to tbleinstallqty. This table stores my quantities.
Which is also a subform in my main form.
IDqty - auto number PK
ID - number
InstallWOID- number
Quantity- number
this table is one to many to tbleinstallwo which holds all of the general
The way my form works is you choose the "contract number" from a combo box
then it pulls up the companies information. Here is the query infor for the
subform I have when you select the pricing.
SELECT tblinstallwo.Workordernum2, tblinstallqty.IDqty, tblinstallqty.ID,
tblequippricelist.unit, tblequippricelist.unitprice, tblinstallqty.quantity,
[unitprice]*[quantity] AS Totalprice, tblinstallqty.InstallWOID
FROM tblequippricelist INNER JOIN (tblinstallwo INNER JOIN tblinstallqty ON
tblinstallwo.InstallWOID = tblinstallqty.InstallWOID) ON tblequippricelist.ID
= tblinstallqty.ID;