Pricelist possibility ?


Keith D.B.

Im fairly new to Excel but, Im wondering if I can create a price sheet that
is adjustable per customer. I want to print and give them to my customers
but, adjust the price by different percentages depending on their buying
history. My pricelist has several (about 12) sheets and about 400 items.


Try this:
Items listed in Column A (1 through whatever), say 95.
In the next available column (say B) put your cost for the item.
In the next available column (say D) put the percent change ( an increase of
10% would be 1.10)
In a new workbook, sheet1 in cell A1 put customer's Name.
Below that copy Items in Column A (in above example) that this customer buys.
Label a Column Cost.
The formula that you enter in the first cell for the customer's cost will be
This will take the cost of item times the markup or markdown. This will link
the two workbooks. I would suggest putting them in the same folder to speed
up updates.
This way, if a customer's buy habits change. You can change the percentage
and print a new price list.
HTH :)
There is probably an easier way, but this is what I would do.


another way,similar.
Have your price list set up with cost plus or retail minus column.Somewhere
else on the sheet or workbook create a table of your discounts with your
rates or names across the top and the discounts by product or group down the
side.Use a vlookup formula to populate the rates column per customer
profile.This way you can add new "profiles" to your table as required and
simply copy and paste new v lookup formulas as the ranges change.


Create your first price sheet. Then right click on the tab at the bottom and
create a copy of that sheet. Double clikc on the tab of the ecopy sheet and
rename it to a unique identifierv (like "5% Discount"). Now aopply the
discounted prices to this sheet. Keep doing this for each price level you

Now when a customer wants a prcie list, just select the appropriate sheet
price level tab and print it.

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