
  • Thread starter Manager that needs help
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Manager that needs help

I'm trying to do something simple. I want to compare prices from different
vendors: Column A = vendor 1, Column 2 = vendor 2, etc.. All of them have
different prices I just want to create a seperate column that we equal the
lowest prices. If this can be done would be great. Then there is one other
added need: need the Manufacturers SKU to match. So first column man. sku for
vendor 1 then price in column 2 , then in column three man. sku for second
vendor and in column 4 their price, etc.. I need a function that will take if
all Man. SKU's that match and compare all vendors prices and put that into a
newley created column. Can someone help me or point me in the right
directions? Thanks.


i think a vlookup table or index match would work ,with a min formula at the
right.It depends how your data is organised.How do you "search" for
products?Do you have a name, description or do you search by any one of the
manufacturers SKU #


i have constructed a little sheet of how i see it working...
i can email it to you if you want

Manager that needs help

No the Manufacturer SKU is not different for each vendor - but each vendors
list is completely different. One very short, other long, other not
alphabetical, the other is. So the Vlookup or Hlookup might help. I'm still
looking into that. Other than that it's really simple and set up: column A
vendor 1 sku then Column B their price; next section Column C vendor 2 then
Column D their price. Its just the fact that their lists aren't verbatim so
I'm confused on how to have the ability to compare if they don't match up

Col. A Col. B Col. C Col. D
V. SKU 1 Price V. SKU 2 Price
5142 4.24 1583 5.01
1651 5.00 65161 8.00
1583 4.50 5142 4.24

Does this help? Thanks for all the help!

Manager that needs help

I organize everything by Manufacturer SKu. I just started learning Excel (I
like access better). Could you put me in a dummy step-by-step directions.


sorry i f i seem a little slow on the uptake....Does your sample show the
manufacturers sku?.Do all these vendors lists exist in seperate pages or data
bases at the moment or have you set them up into the table you have
illustrated here?


so the manufacturers sku is different for each vendor?Do you have a table
where say a product is listed by you in a row with the different
manufacturere sku and respective vendors in the repective columns?If that is
so do you have your own description or name for each product that you search
for ?

Manager that needs help

yes please e-mail it to me: pcelite2 @ (no spam) yah oo . com

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