primary key-needed?



Can i delete the 1st column "primary key" or "Id #..." in my tables?
What purpose does it serve? Do I need to keep it? -Zena

Tom Wickerath

Hi Zena,

No-No-No! Don't go deleting primary key fields. You could do some serious damage to the
integrity of the data in your database!

A primary key serves to uniquely identify each record in a table. A primary key that is
placed into a related table is called a foreign key. It is the primary key / foreign key
mechanism that RDBMS (Relational Database Management Systems) software, such as Access,
use to relate data between tables. Delete these important key fields, and you'll have
scrambled eggs for data.

Here are some links for you to download information on database design. It is very
important to understand these concepts. Database design is analogous to the foundation of
a home or building--if a foundation is in poor shape, the structure can come crashing down
from its own weight. The same is true with the design that underlies a database.;en-us;234208 See the last download titled
"Understanding Normalization". Note: This article is more advanced than the first two

Brew a good pot of coffee and enjoy reading!


Can i delete the 1st column "primary key" or "Id #..." in my tables?
What purpose does it serve? Do I need to keep it? -Zena

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