Primary Key


Douglas J. Steele

Already answered in another group to which you posted the same question.

If you feel you need to post to more than one group (HINT: it's seldom
necessary), please have the courtesy to cross-post (send the one message to
all groups at once), rather than multi-post (send individual messages to
each group). In this way, all responses to your post will be available
together, regardless of what group the responder was in, and the rest of us
won't have to read your post multiple times. (It also uses fewer server

If you're using Microsoft's web interface to post, I believe you can type
the names of the various groups into the Newsgroup box. Separate each
newsgroup name with a semicolon.

Note that it's generally consider to be A Bad Thing to cross-post to more
than about 2 or 3 newsgroups. (In fact, at
Microsoft suggests that "One group will suffice")


i sense finding an answer to this question (where did you say it was
referenced) would help me w/ my own, it being that i need to declare a
statement like the following in my On Current event property of my form's:

Me.txtCurKey = Me.nameofPKfield

where the txtCurKey refers to a textbox i created in my form's header field
and nameofPKfield refers to the name of my PK which consists of five fields:
LastName, FirstName,MI,MR_Number and IRB_Number. i've tried using "PrmaryKey"
which is the name i see in the Index Name of the form's table but that does
not work.



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