Prime Number just for fun


Paul Breslin

Hello --

I found this on the Internet and would like to make it work.
I placed the formula in cell B1 and the number to be examined in A1 however
it evaluates primes and non-primes as TRUE.
Obviously, I have done something wrong.
Can anyone steer me correctly?

by Bob Umlas
This array formula returns TRUE if the number in cell A1 is a prime number.
Use it as a conditional formatting formula, with A1 as the active cell
in the selection to be formatted.
Here's how Bob's amazing formula works. In a nutshell, the number is
divided by all potential prime factors, and the resulting array is tested
to see whether it contains a whole number. If is does, you have a prime
number. A limitation of this formula is that it cannot test numbers that
are greater than 65535^2. This is due to the array size constraint in
Excel 97/2000.


Used as a cell formula it needs to be confirmed with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER so
that braces like these { } appear around the formula in the formula

If you already have the formula in B1 then simply put the cursor
somewhere in the formula within the formula bar and hit CTRL+SHIFT
while holding down ENTER....

Paul Breslin

Hello -
I had the same thing happen on my machine - when I hold down the ENTER key,
the cursor flies down the sheet.
I asked "Daddylonglegs" if there was a way of coding this so one need only
enter a number to be evaluated in cell A1 and when the cursor was moved to
another cell an update function (or something) would evaluate A1.

Gary Keramidas

you can try this, just change b2 to wherever you want the formula

Range("b2").FormulaArray = _
"=OR(A1=2,A1=3,ISNA(MATCH(TRUE,A1/ROW(INDIRECT(""2:"" & INT(SQRT(A1))))" _
& "=INT(A1/ROW(INDIRECT(""2:"" & INT(SQRT(A1))))),0)))"


Sorry guys, just all fingers and thumbs :mad:

of course Tom's right......write out 100 times....

I would hold down the Ctrl+Shift Keys and hit the Enter key
I would hold down the Ctrl+Shift Keys and hit the Enter key
I would hold down the Ctrl+Shift Keys and hit the Enter key
I would hold down the Ctrl+Shift Keys and hit the Enter key
I would hold down the Ctrl+Shift Keys and hit the Enter key
I would hold down the ......

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