Annie said:
Does anyone know how to print a list of files and/or
directories from the file open dialog box or from explorer?
Two ways:
Easiest: Display the files in Explorer, then screen shot (Alt-PrtScn),
then past image into Word or something else and print.
Best (but slightly harder for some): In a command prompt (so-called DOS
bos), cd to the directory of interest. Issue the command:
dir > c:\(foldername)\(filename).txt
Then use Notepad, Word, or something to import this file and printer it.
If you want, you can even add additional commands to the dir command,
e.g. dir /Q, and instead of redirecting output to a file (as shown
above), you can redirect output directly to the printer, e.g.
dir /Q > lpt1:
dir /Q > \\(servername)\\(printername)