Print a word Document with creation date not printed date



Every time I open a word document after its creation it shows the date I am
opening it i.e. todays date not the original date the document was created.
This has complications if I need to re-print that document to show when it
was originally sent. My other two computers do not do this.
I have looked in Insert-date/time- Update Automatically and the box is not
checked although I am not sure if this is what rules this or not and I have
checked this same box is not ticked in the template. I would be grateful if
somebody could tell me how to fix this problem on this computer please.
I have searched for a fix but dont seem to be able to find one but it just
may be the words i am using which is not bringing up a hit.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Press Alt+F9 to reveal field codes. Change the DATE field to CREATEDATE.
Alt+F9 to toggle back and F9 to update.

Lene Fredborg

The date is inserted as a field. You can change the field so that it shows
the create date:

Press Alt+F9 to show field codes. Most likely, your date now appears in
brackets with the word DATE or TIME as the first word. Replace that word with
CREATEDATE. Press F9 to update the field. Press Alt+F9 to hide field codes

For more details on date fields, see:

Lene Fredborg
DocTools - Denmark
Document automation - add-ins, macros and templates for Microsoft Word

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