Print Access reports from Excel


JR Form

I have the task of creating a frontend in Excel to run data from a Access
database. Everything is going good until I try to print the canned reports
that are in the database. My users do not have Access as an application on
thier machines. So in the spirit of doing more with less I wonder is it
possible to call a function in a different workbook that resides on a machine
that has Access? Could I pass the users local printer information to allow
it to print at the correct location?

Is there a way to run the reports using DAO?


Been a while since I was on a LAN but as I recall, unless the server was
otherwise secured, I could send print routines to any printer on the net.
All I needed to know was whihich printer was on which server.

Seems like Prn = \\ServerName\PrinterName was the syntax, but it has been a

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