Print Button does not work after Merge



I created a print button on my document using the technique from The code is
located in Visual Basic/Project (Name)/Microsoft Word Objects/ThisDocument.
However, my document contains merge fields and after it is merged with my
data from access, the print button no longer works.

How do I carry over the code from the original document to the merged
document. I am wanting a button to print the entire document PLUS 2 copies
of page 2.

Thanks for any help.

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?aGxvY2s=?=,
I created a print button on my document using the technique from The code is
located in Visual Basic/Project (Name)/Microsoft Word Objects/ThisDocument.
However, my document contains merge fields and after it is merged with my
data from access, the print button no longer works.

How do I carry over the code from the original document to the merged
document. I am wanting a button to print the entire document PLUS 2 copies
of page 2.
The simplest approach would probably be

1. Create a TEMPLATE (*.dot) from which you'll generate a main merge document
each time you need one.

2. Create and save a toolbar in this template (Tools/Customize/Toolbars)

3. Insert a Module into this templates VBA project and copy your macro code into

4. Drag this macro into the new toolbar (Tools/Customize/Commands;

5. Create another macro to execute the mail merge. At the end of the mail merge,
the macro needs to attach the template to the mail merge result, so that the
toolbar with the button will be available. Something like this:

Sub ExecuteMerge()
Dim doc as Word.Document

Set doc = ActiveDocument
If doc.MailMerge.MainDocumentType <> wdNotAMergeDocument
ActiveDocument.AttachedTemplate = "C:\Full path\"
ENd If
End Sub

6. Put this macro on the toolbar, as well.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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