Print dialog: What to print drop down list


Howard Kaikow

Somehow, by screwing around with SendKeys, I managed to corrupt my settings
so that when I print a document I ALSO get a listing of the document's

Note that the Print menu showed that I was printing the Document, not the
document properties.

Only way I found to get rid of this was to delete the Data key for Word in
the registry.

I noticed that the drop down list in the Print menu has items that seem to
correspond to all the allowed values for wdPrintOutItem, except for
wdPrintComments and wdPrintEnvelope.

I ASSuMEd that an entry for comments would be included if I added a comment
to the document.
Well, after adding the comment, there was no entry for comments in the drop
down list, however, when I printed the document, comments were displayed,
with no obvious (to me) way to disable the display of comments. Do I need to
again delete the Data key?

Have I stumbled upon a bug/"feature" or am I missing something?

Jonathan West

Hi Howard,

Go to the Tools Options dialog and select the Print tab. I suspect that
you'll find that the item "Document properties" in in the "Include with
document" section has been checked. Uncheck it and all should be well.

Under normal circumstances, only "Drawing objects" is checked in that

Howard Kaikow

The document that I had been working with got so corrupted that none of the
text would print.
When sent to the printer, no pages were output, as the printer is set to
not print blank pages, and NONE of the document's text got sent to the

When printed to the Distiller printer, blank pages were output.

However, you are likely correct. I had forgotten about that setting.
Somehow, the SendKeys must have checked that box.

As I've already deleted the Data key, I cannot verify if this was the
problem, but I'd guess that it was.
Hmmm. I think I'll restore the old Data key from the exported .reg file and
see what I find. ...
I'm back. Restored the Data key, problem was exactly as you stated.

P.S. I figured out how to stop the printing of Comments. It's an option in
the Reviewing toolbar.

--; See Howard Kaikow's web site.
Jonathan West said:
Hi Howard,

Go to the Tools Options dialog and select the Print tab. I suspect that
you'll find that the item "Document properties" in in the "Include with
document" section has been checked. Uncheck it and all should be well.

Under normal circumstances, only "Drawing objects" is checked in that

Jonathan West - Word MVP
Please reply to the newsgroup

Howard Kaikow said:
Somehow, by screwing around with SendKeys, I managed to corrupt my settings
so that when I print a document I ALSO get a listing of the document's

Note that the Print menu showed that I was printing the Document, not the
document properties.

Only way I found to get rid of this was to delete the Data key for Word in
the registry.

I noticed that the drop down list in the Print menu has items that seem to
correspond to all the allowed values for wdPrintOutItem, except for
wdPrintComments and wdPrintEnvelope.

I ASSuMEd that an entry for comments would be included if I added a comment
to the document.
Well, after adding the comment, there was no entry for comments in the drop
down list, however, when I printed the document, comments were displayed,
with no obvious (to me) way to disable the display of comments. Do I

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