Print Error: ....too complex to be evaluated




I have an Access 97 database. I have a main report based on a simple single
table query. In that report are 3 sub-reports. It gets complicated from
there. Everything works fine if the first two sub-reports have records to
display. If they don't the report previews fine but when the "Print icon" is
clicked I recieve this error:

This expression is typed incorrectly, or it is too complex to be evaluated.
For example, a numeric expression may contain too many complicated elements.

All of the expressions are in the first 2 sub-reports record sources. I
didn't start receiving this error until I added the third sub-report which
doesn't contain any expressions (although the sub-report itself is a grouped
report). The report will actually print fine after clicking OK on the error.

Can anyone surmise from my limited explanation why I this is happening? The
report printed fine even if the sub-reports did not have any records (before
I added the 3rd sub-report).


Al Camp

It would be nearly impossible to figure out what is specifically wrong
with your report. The error is a "general" fall out message that probably
didn't get picked up by intellisense during the report building process.
I would suggest, removing Sub3 to see if that's where the problem really
arose from. Then, continue removing subs until the report runs clean again,
the start putting them back.
Al Camp

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