Print Excel screen



I would l ike to be able to print a blank excel sheet from the screen. Is
there a way this can be done? My keyboard has a "Print Screen" key but
holding down the shift key and striking the Print Screen key doesn't work.
Any suggestions?

Luke M

A truly completely blank excel sheet has nothing in it, thus printing it
would just give a blank piece of paper.

If it's the grid lines your wanting, you can format an area of blank cells
to have borders, and then follow the normal proceedure for printing.

If you truly want a snapshot of what your entire screen looks like, you can
press the print screen button once, and then open up some type of image
handling priogram (paint, word, PowerPoint, etc) and click "Paste". An
screenshot will appear, and you can then print this if you want.

Steve Yandl

Pressing the 'print scr' key sends a copy of the image of your screen to the
clipboard (no need for the shift key). If you press the 'alt' key while
pressing 'print scr' the image sent to the clipboard is limited to the
active window which is probably what you want. To actually print the image,
open a program that allows you to paste graphics from the clipboard (mspaint
would work fine), press 'ctrl' plus 'v' to paste (or Edit > Paste) and
you're set.

Steve Yandl

Bernard Liengme

Actually, it the worksheet is entirely empty, Excel will tell you it found
nothing to print
best wishes
Bernard Liengme
Microsoft Excel MVP
email address: remove uppercase characters


Since you're in Excel anyway, you could just paste the image you get with the
Print Screen right right into cell A1. To print, click File, Page Setup, set
Landscape, and fit to 1 page wide and 1 tall to get it all on one sheet of
paper oriented as you see it on the screen.


If you want to print a page of just cells, rather than a screenshot, go to
page setup, check Print Gridlines on the Sheet tab. Then go down to the
lowest right-hand cell on page 1 of your worksheet and hit the spacebar, and
enter. When you do a Print Preview, you should see a page of blank cells
which you can print.

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