print field dependent on month



Is it possible to print or print not a field of a table depending on the date()?


Fons Ponsioen

Sure, I assume this in a report. In the text box for the
field you wish to selectively print let us assume the
source name is [Want-to-print] and the selected date is
First change the NAME of the text box to ensure it is
not "want-to-print" but you can change it to "1want-to-
print". Now change the the SOURCE from "[want-to-print]"
to "IIF([DateSel]=[Enter Date],"",[want-to-print])
This tels the report that if the variable [DateSel] is
equal to the "enter date" it will show a blank in this
field otherwise it will print what you [want-to-print]
I hope this helps.
You can change the IIF statement and/or change the "="
to ">=" or similar equation statements
Take care.

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