Print first column on each page



I was wondering if there is a way to print the first
column (which are my headings)at the top of every page
when I print my spreadsheet. I know how to freeze the
panes, but this doesn't seem to apply when printing,
unless there's something I'm missing. I couldn't find
anything in help.

If anyone knows if you can or cannot do this, I would
appreciate your response.

Thanks for your help,


If you really do mean Spreadsheet then in Excel you can choose to repeat
column and row heading in Page Setup. Look on the Sheet page where you can
choose 'Rows to repeat at top etc'

If you mean that you want to print a table, then don't - it was never made
for that. Click on your table, go to Insert, Report. It's worth the extra
Then, in the report's Design View, click on the grey bar just above where
your headings are, click on the Properties button. If you have clicked on
the right bit then the Properties box will say
Section:(then the name of the section)
in the title bar.

click the Format tab. Next to where it says Repeat Section, choose Yes.

If you do mean that you wanted to print a table then I bet that you've done
one of those introductory computer courses. They are beggars for teaching
you to think of a database table as an inconvenient spreadsheet!



Hi, if I may join this thread... I had a question similar to this

I understand tables weren't intended to be printed, but what if the end
user actually wants the data to look like the spreadsheet format and
not Access' nice report formats? I know the entire table (or just
selected records) can be printed, but what if they only need/want to
see certain columns? I'm guessing that this would still have to be
done with some sort of custom report, and using a whole lot of drawn
rectangles and lines!

And exporting to Excel and printing from there is certainly another
option, just wondering if there was a less cumbersome way to do it
without leaving Access...

Ling663 (not to be confused with a possible duplicate username of Ling!
I think there's 2 of us, seeing posts I never made here & there!)


You can make your report look exactly like a printed table except that you
can control stuff like column width. You can delete the controls that the
user doesnt' want to see or make them invisible using their Properties box
and setting Visible to No. You certainly don't need to draw lines, just use
the Properties button and make the BorderStyle of the controls solid. Then
use the Left, Height and Width Properties of the control to line them up
neatly. (if 1 control is 3cm wide then the next control has to be 3cm
further left than the previous one). You can even shade the labels grey so
that it looks just like a table. Except that you will be able to add headers
and footers and useful stuff like sums and counts if you want to.

There are all sorts of features that make formatting reports easier. You can
select several controls at once by clicking in the ruler area at the side of
the report or you can press Shift while clicking on your Controls so that
you can format several at the same time. You can use Format, Align to line
up your controls.

I would advise that instead of using the Report Wizard you just click on
your table or query and go to Insert, Report, AutoReport Tabular for a very
simple bare-bones report. Then you don't have to bother going through it to
delete all the fancy lines that you don't want.

If any of this doesn't make sense, write back.

It can be quite fun making a table lookalike.

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