I use one tray for Headed Paper and another for plain paper.
Using macro i print first page of the document to the headed paper and
remaining pages in plain paper tray correctly.
Now to be more eco-friendly, to avoid wastage of papers, i need to print the
second page of the document to the headed paper back side.
So ideally i need to Print First Two pages in First Page Tray & remaining
pages in other pages tray (which is already duplexed).
Need to if this is possible.
Dim sPrinterName$
Dim sPortName$
Dim nFirstPageTray
Dim nOtherPagesTray
-- assignment
sPrinterName$ = 'assign print name
sPortName$ = 'assign port name
nFirstPageTray = ' assign "First Page Tray"
nOtherPagesTray = ' assign "Other Pages Tray"
--Set print details
WordBasic.FilePrintSetup Printer:=sPrinterName$ + " on " + sPortName$,
--Set the trays
WordBasic.FilePageSetup applypropsto:=4, FirstPage:=nFirstPageTray,
--Print the ducment
WordBasic.FilePrint Background:=1
Using macro i print first page of the document to the headed paper and
remaining pages in plain paper tray correctly.
Now to be more eco-friendly, to avoid wastage of papers, i need to print the
second page of the document to the headed paper back side.
So ideally i need to Print First Two pages in First Page Tray & remaining
pages in other pages tray (which is already duplexed).
Need to if this is possible.
Dim sPrinterName$
Dim sPortName$
Dim nFirstPageTray
Dim nOtherPagesTray
-- assignment
sPrinterName$ = 'assign print name
sPortName$ = 'assign port name
nFirstPageTray = ' assign "First Page Tray"
nOtherPagesTray = ' assign "Other Pages Tray"
--Set print details
WordBasic.FilePrintSetup Printer:=sPrinterName$ + " on " + sPortName$,
--Set the trays
WordBasic.FilePageSetup applypropsto:=4, FirstPage:=nFirstPageTray,
--Print the ducment
WordBasic.FilePrint Background:=1