Print format problems



Hi, i desperatley need some help (novice user by the way).

I have successfully printed off project programmes for the last few months,
all on A3 for tenders. I have started a new programme but when i try to print
it, it will not fill the task bars to the complete page in A3. I have tried
adjusting my print settings so many times now but to no avail. Fit to page,
scale to size etc etc, it will not work.

I opened a previous programme that had 95 tasks spanning over 7 months(this
one i am trying to do only has 36 over 8 months), this one prints off fine.
All my font sizes are identical to the one that prints correctly, nothing

What i have noticed is this, prior to inputing the dates on all the tasks,
print preview shows all tasks sitting nicely on a full page. But, when i put
the duration of the last task in, the whole thing shortens itself back up the
page leaving the gap at the bottom of the page. Its like its trying to tell
me that as the last task pushes the duration bar away out to the eighth
month, it simply cannot scale itself to fit an AS page, insted it creeps back
up to the middle of the page.

This is doing my head in, can anyone help please?? (sorry for the long
winded explanation!!)

Extremley frustrated user (been trying to resolve this for 2 days now and
the tender needs to be submitted Friday!!!)



Jim Aksel

File Page Setup...
Onthe page tab, you can adjust the size either by scaling, or by commanding
it to fit to x pages wide by y pages tall.
On the View tab you can slect how to fit the time scale and which columns to
print (counting from the left).
Margins can be adjusted on the margins tab.

Now, try File/Print...
At the bottom there is a Timescale area where you can tell Project a date
range to print.

Depending on your settings in all these areas, it is possible that Project
is scaling the image to be able to fit things to the page the way you asked
it. Since it does not want to distort the output, something has to give.
You need to play with a combination of all these variables until you get what
you want.

I suggest you set the date range on File/Print Preview and then adjust the
scale from File/Page Setup... as a % until you get what you like. Sometimes
when I command it to be 1 page wide by 3 pages tall (example), it is the 1
page wide that forces the print to be too small on the page and make the last
page short.

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