print import specifications



Does anyone know how to get a record of the import specification used to
import a text file into Access? I've used the wizard to set up
specifications but I need to show proof of how each file is imported.

John Nurick

Hi t,

It depends on how tight an audit trail you need. Would something along
the lines of this air code be acceptable? (The WriteToFile() function is
at the end of this message).

Dim strSpecName As String
Dim strFileSpec As String
strSpecName = "blah blah"
strFileSpec = "D:\Folder\File.txt"
On Error GoTo Fail:
DoCmd.TransferText acImport strFileSpec, strSpecName, ...
WriteToFile "Imported " & strFileSpec & _
" using " & strSpecName & vbCRLF, _
"D:\Folder\LogFile.txt", False
On Error Resume Next

Otherwise, consider using a schema.ini file instead of an import spec.
The advantages are (1) schema.ini is visible to the file system so can
be logged or recorded by whatever software you're using for the audit
trail, and (2) the textfile name needs to appear as a section header in

Function WriteToFile(Var As Variant, _
FileSpec As String, _
Optional Overwrite As Long = True) _
As Long
'Writes Var to a textfile as a string.
'Returns 0 if successful, an errorcode if not.

'Overwrite argument controls what happens
'if the target file already exists:
' -1 or True (default): overwrite it.
' 0 or False: append to it
' Any other value: abort.

Dim lngFN As Long

On Error GoTo Err_WriteToFile
lngFN = FreeFile()
'Change Output in next line to Append to
'append to existing file instead of overwriting
Select Case Overwrite
Case True
Open FileSpec For Output As #lngFN
Case False
Open FileSpec For Append As #lngFN
Case Else
If Len(Dir(FileSpec)) > 0 Then
Err.Raise 58 'File already exists
Open FileSpec For Output As #lngFN
End If
End Select
Print #lngFN, CStr(Nz(Var, ""));
Close #lngFN
WriteToFile = 0
Exit Function
WriteToFile = Err.Number
End Function

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